CHAP 6. Precious

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After Joseph said that, the whole room become so silent. To silent that nothing couldn't interupted the two of them. Their eyes are starting looking at each other. As gray and Blue color start to mixing up together.

"So... what's your answer?"

"I-i....." Aesop look so confused because of the confession i just said.

Do i like him?
I still don't know
But one thing for sure
I want him
I l-

Story had always had interuption, right? Well in this case always. The Library door has been swung open as is it know that if one second late, Joseph was abou to say something.

"Joseph? Are in here?"

The interuption did piss Joseph off. But then he realise when a voice come out from the person...

"Joseph... there you are. I've been looking everywhere."

"Oo... I'm sorry Claude I thought that you were asleep."

"Well that's true i'm asleep. But you could just wake me up if you and Brother Aesop are going somewhere."

"Well- I don't want to interupt your sleep." Joseph lied. He didn't want tell the truth, si he make an his excuse. He want have quality time with Aesop. And noone else. Well that's what he hope...

"Well... that's fine by me, Oh I forgot. Brother Aesop will come with me to the garden together?" Claude said with his puppy eyes to Aesop because he know that noone can't resist his cuteness.

It's really cute.. but Joseph feel something different about his little brother attitude. He feek like something in his body is on fire. He want to take Aesop away from him. He want to take Aesop somewhere alone. Just the two of them..

But for Aesop, he know that Claude feel lonely without nobody on his side. So for this, he won't reject the request of his patient

"Sure... I loved to go to the garden."

"Yey come on lets go." Claude excitedly taje Aesop hand and run away from the library. Before Joseph follow the two of them Claude stop his foot and look at Joseph.

"Right, Joseph I forgot to tell you that Victor, your butler is looking for you."

"What? Really? Did something happen?"

"Hmmm... from what I remember your pet , little Morana had been playing to much in your room that she accidently drop your camera..."

"OH NOO My Camera!!!!"

Joseph run speed ahead because of the news. He forgot that Aesop is on the side of the door and well he just ran to find Victor..

"Well... Joseph always like that if there is something happen to his beloved camera."

"That can't be help it right, it was precious to him."

"Yes precious.." Claude said to himself mumbling.

"What did you said?"

"Nothing... come on Brother Aesop let's go to the garden."

"Ok ok... eheheehe.. you must very excite to go to the garden."

"Well yeah, now take my hand and I lead the way."

Claude then take Aesop hand and the they walk together to the garden.

'One rival is out for now'

'Noone can't interupt now'

Claude POV

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