CHAP 33. The One

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Sometimes the answers you are looking for are the same answers another person is looking for. Two people or more were searching together are always better than one person alone.

But what if  what we searh for was something that what we're never guess before

Something was so rich yet suspicious.

Suspicious yet not suspicious either

Third Person POV


"Aesop, we found it."

Found it? Found what? I was confused at first but then I forgot who is this person that was calling for me.

This person voice was similar to someone that I know. Someone that we went to seperated way yet  our purpose was same. Hmmm... who is this again?

"Aesop? Hello earth to Aesop... Can you hear me?" The person called me and make me a little startled.

"Yeah... I'm sorry. So eh.. what is the thing that you found?"

"You're joking right?" The person then started to laughing a bit and it makes me want to pout my mouth. "Did you really forgot about me? Or you didn't see that I called you?"

"Well the second one is the answer." I said as then the person chuckle a bit and there was a sound of the owl.

"Try to guess again, Aesop. I know you were smarter than that." I try to think and think again. But still nothing clue, then I heard the owl again. And owl? The only person who always bring animal on the office is..


"Correct my dear friend. It is I Dr. Eli Clark on your service."

"Jeez you should just tell me your name if you know that I will be confuse." I said as he just chuckle again.

"Well that can't be helped, I really like teasing you."

Eli Clark, 28 years old. My besfriend from highschool. He was the person that was really kind to me, well other too. But lets just say that he know me so well. He is a kind, soft, gentle, and smart person that I know. We use to be living together in one of the dorm in France, bur when the school ended Eli choose to go with his Lover to another country. His dream and I was the same, becoming a doctor. So know he was well as known Dr. Eli Clark from German and his companion Brooke Rose.

 Eli Clark from German and his companion Brooke Rose

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"So how is it on German? Is it great?" I ask him

"Its great but things getting out of hand since a new virus started to attack in here. It was tiring but worthy to tried." Eli voice sound a bit tired but happy at the same time.

Its good to having a conversation with Eli. Its feel so nice. When Eli voice came through my ear all of the stress thought was gone away. Its seems like Eli was an Angel that can wipe all the bad things away. But who know.

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