CHAP 19. Confession

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Joseph POV

Valentine days huh? A day for confesion someone you love

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Valentine days huh? A day for confesion someone you love. It was romantic if things got smooth between you and the person you love. But it feel suck when the person you love doesn't feel the same way about you.

"Joseph Desaulnier, I-I-I love you. I love you from the moment I met you. Please accept my chocolate and be my boyfriend!!"

Why did it come this way? Well i can tell you. Its happenned a few hours ago...

A few hours ago...

School Lunch. Yeah I was eating lunch with Wujiu and some couple friends like Jack and Xie Bi'an. A peaceful day for me and Wujiu not for the popular people or I should said my bestfriend. Right now, they have been given by dozen of chocolate by the ladies. Many ladies come and go to gave them both. While I amd Wujiu just eating lunch and see the view.

"So Wujiu need me to remind you that you still have give the chocolate to him.." I said as Wujiu just pretending to don't know what I was talking about.

"Nope. You don't need you to remind me cause I just forgot to bring them."

I rolled my eyes as he just eating his meat buns. "Don't lie to me, I know that you brought it."

"It was the truth I forgot to bring it."

"Well then would you explain what that white box with red ribbon in your bag that I see." I pointed my finger to the lunch bag that was open a little. But my eyes was so sharp that I can litteraly see what the things that inside his lunch bag.

And that's make Wujiu zipped his lunch bag and look at me with his irritated face. Yeah I good him good.

"Would please don't look at it. It was so embarrasing." He said as he face turn into red. "It was hard to give this stuff to him when he always not alone."

"Yeah it was hard to be popular. Always surrounded by people."

"Let's just continue our eat and then we just go back to class ok?"


The food was great. Me and Wujiu almost finished our lunch until the popular kids come to seat with us.

"Sorry guys, we interupted our eating time." Bi'an said as Jack just seat beside him and open his lunch.

"Nah no problem." I said as Bi'an put his dozen give away from our table. He look tired of all the surrounding. "So.. got some chocolates huh?"

"Well don't said it. It was tiring. I already decline them all but they still forced me to take it."

"Same for me, Bro. But I have to eat the chocolate in front of them so they just go away." Jack said as he playing his elbow to Bi'an shoulder. As they were talking I noticed that Wujiu was silent. He usually do all the annoying talk but now he was just silent eating his food. It was kinda awkward. Then suddenly Jack spoke to Wujiu.

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