CHAP 32. Found It

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*Warning! This chapter that you were gonna read was gonna be
a little bit angst and abuse. I don't really know how to make an angst and abuse but I hope you guys enjoy this one*

 I don't really know how to make an angst and abuse but I hope you guys enjoy this one*

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Aesop POV

''Wake up''

''Hey I said wake up!!''

I just want to have some sleep

Please just let me

"I said wake up you piece of shit?!''


Please just let me have a rest

''If you don't wake up now, you're gonna regret it?!''

I should open my eyes now before its too late.

But then the water was splashing all over my body. Now my body was wet. I'm cold. So cold. The clothes in me was soaking wet.

''You trash?! You got some guts are you?! Sleeping in peace Huh?! How dare you?!''

''I-i-i-i i'm sorr-''

Before I said anything all I get was a hand. A hand touch in my face. Its hurt very hurt. Its sting in my face. What he did to me was hurt. He was just slapping me with his hand.


Then the man, I mean my father left the room. I woke up and see my face that had already been swolen. Its hurt so much. I want cry so badly.

But I can't. Not right now. I have to get up and clean myself. I have to go now and clean, clean myself.

I went downstair very slowly where there is only my alchololic father sitting on his sofa while watching TV.

'I have to go slowly so father won't notice me' I said to myself. I hate when father hit me with his belt. He always do that ever since Mom went to her eternal sleep. She won't wake up even when I need her help.

Father wasn't himself ever since mom left the world. He always told me that it was my fault that Mom left him. It was my fault that I lived while she was not. It was my fault. My fault.

I miss her so much....

I miss you so much mom

Where are you now?

Why don't you find me?

Why don't yo-

I suddenly fell down from one of the stair and making some loud noise. Father hear it and he just click the TV off. I think he heard it. What should I do? I'm scared

"You Trash?! How dare you to destroy my own stair?! Are you blind or something?!" Father voice makimg my whole body tremble. Its scary. Father was scary.

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