CHAP 10. Conversation

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"Can we talk now?"

Third person POV

As the person started to talk Joseph recognize his voice. The voice of a brat that he tried to avoid it because of his voice. He usually not like this. This a new side of his friend.

"Maybe not now."

"Come on Joseph. You can't do that to me. I really need your help!!!"

"Well maybe you should change your voice into more of the person that I know."

"But but this is my voice. How am i supposed to change it?!"

"Well if I add him in this call maybe you will change?"

"Yo-.... you know he still think i'm a weird guy right?"

"Yeah yeah I know Bi'an .it is really weird to called together with your crush"

"Shut up Jojo."

Xie Bi'an fiften years old. The person that everyone one to get closed to. He's kind, gentleman, handsome, and from a wealthy family.

Even in the young age, Bi'an still perfect in everyone eyes. He is the man who is a master of patience that everything he do was always perfect. Everyone want to be with him. Everyone expect him. Well not yet. But only him is the one that can be in Bi'an heart. The person that had stoled Bi'an heart.

"So how's your school holiday?" Bi'an ask because he was curiosly what Joseph doing for his holiday.

"'s fine I guess."

"Fine? Really? Jojo i know you were lying"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are your voice is cracking"

"Gosh why did have to that smart..."

"Well I cant help it that i'm more smart than you."

He was right. Bi'an always know that whether Joseph could lie or not. He is just like some detector lie if Joseph would say.

"Ok fine it was good."


"Forget it. I'll tell you when we in school again."

"So cold.... Well school breaks almost over and we have to get back to school next week."

"Yeah... you right. Sorry I gotta go now."

"Wait wait Jojo. I need some help."

"Stop call me that and maybe I'll help"

"Fine... Joseph help me choose between these. I'll just sent in the chat."

The end their called and the just continued the chat. In the chat Xie Bi'an sent two picture to Joseph

- the chat start -

Xie Bi'an : *sent the picture*

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