QnA : The Actor's Interview

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After Joseph say the name 'Azel Baltasar' he lift his new lover into his arm, and hug him tight.

"From this day on. Azel Baltasar, you will be my lover forever and ever. And no one can destroy it."

There will be no real ending

It’s just the place where you stop the story

For then I shall finish your live

And then we'll become one

The End

Director : And Cut!!!!! Fuih~ finally we done from this scene.

?? : I'm pretty tired.

??? : Yeah me too. Hey lets ask the director if its done yet.

?? : Great idea, lets tak to the director

The people then go to the director asking for if it is done or not? And the Answer is....

?? : How is it Sir? Did we make it? Did we really finish this?

Director : ....Yes, it is done. THE MOVIE IS DONE!!

?? : ITS A WRAPP!!!!

Everybody cheering hurray. Finally the story that the Director made was over and so as their acting.

Everyone : おつかれさまです(Thank you for the hard working)

Director : おつかれさま。

Everybody left expect the Director. The director feel so relief that finally the story was over. She then turn her face and look into the mirror. On her reflection was a smile on her face.

Asorede : Ehehe.... Hello everyone thank you for finishing this story... OMG I'm so happy that you guys are here.😍😍

Asorede : Oh I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Asorede, I'm the Director of this story. As you see on the Title we are here for "Interviewing Our Beloved Actors" I know right now, they are going to be nervous because of the interview but please don't worry cause I'm gonna make you guys enjoy this session.


-Arrived at the Dressing Room 1-

Asorede : Knock Knock Knock~ Is someone in here??


Asorede : Well lets do it again. Knock ki niki knock. Is someone there?

??? : Aa... Waitt just a minute...

The door was been open by someone with grey hair, grey eyes and an innocent smile.

Aesop : Direc- Asorede? What are you doing here?

Aesop : Direc- Asorede? What are you doing here?

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