CHAP 20. Accepted

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"O-o-oo you're back already? Sorry I just need to be alone now." Wujiu said as he still crying a bit.

"What's wrong Wujiu? Tell me who did this to you!!!" I said to him. I was so angry. Wujiu never cried before that mean that someone was hurting him. Who is this person that hurt my friend. How dare they?!

No one hurt my friend. I was about to punch something on the air but luckily Fan Wujiu stop me. He was holding my wrist and shout.

"Waitt?! It was not what it look like okay? Please I'll explain to you now."

"Ok. Now explain!"

"You have to sit first.."

"I'm fine standin-"

"Sit. Right. Now." Wujiu said command me. So i just on the sofa and look at Wujiu.

He then sit too but not beside me instead the other side so its just the two of us. Face to face. He look a little bit nervous.

"So... how should I say.. It was pretty embarassing." Wujiu started to play his long hair with his hand and then he started to look at me. "Promise that you won't make fun of me.."

"I'll promise Wujiu." I said confident and its seems like he trust my word. And then he started to talk.

"Remember the chocolate that I was gonna give it..."

I nodded to him. He continue his talk " I was about to give it to him... but-"

"Did that idiot reject you?!"

"Wha- No thats not it. He wasn't rejecting me?! I mean i don't know yet. AAA just hear me out first then you could talk!!"

I silently nodded cause I don't want to get shouted by Wujiu anymore. So I just listened first

"The chocolate was.... AA I can't say it."


"IT ACCIDENTLY BEEN THROWN TO TRASH?!!" As he said that I was froze. It was no way that Bi'an throw Wujiu homemade chocolate. He love Wujiu. He wouldn't do that. I know Bi'an so I just doesn't want to get the wrong idea and ask again..

"How did it happen?" I patiently said cause Wujiu started to cry a bit to remember what happen.

"W-we-ell it was about the time when you have to g-g-go to meet the person who give you the l-l-letter." He started to wipe his tear and speak again. "That time, I already take a courage to give it to him. I already do but someone bumped into me so hard that my box accidently fall into the trash bin and it was wrecked the box got open and the chocolate was wasted so I couldn't give him anything so I just ran away."

Poor Wujiu he didn't deserve this. Just a second later his gonna confess his feeling to Bi'an but someone was bumped into him. Maybe that someone was some fan girls for Bi'an. I want to hit that person so much to make Wujiu chance gone wasted because of it.

"I'm sorry to hear that Wujiu. But hey I still haven't eat the chocolate you gave me. How about you give it to him?" I said as Wujiu started to smile a little until it faded away again.

"Thanks but no its fine. This chocolate that I gave you was different for him. So its fine that I was late to confess to him. Maybe next year I will make it and confess again."

"But 2 months later we already graduate, it will be too late." The sentence that I siad made Wujiu silent for a moment. "But maybe you can make it for-"

"Its fine... ahahaha thank you Joseph to remind me." He said as his head started to look at the sky wall. "Damn time goes so fast huh? Guess i will be too late."

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