CHAP 13. The Party (2)

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The night was so beautiful. Beautifull because of the scenery. The stars were shine so birght. Bright like a diamond.We love the night and its quiet; and there is no night that we love so well as that on which the moon is coffined in clouds. But the atmosphere was not beautifull. The atmosphere on the garden make a young man look unpleasent for the scene. The scene of his love one was taken by someone else...


Voice cracking a little because of the scene. Eyes start to go darker and darker to see it.Hand start to touch the balcony stone harder and harder.  That stone of the balcony itself shattered. His fist had a few scarred because of the stone that stab into his skin. But it didn't matter what his hand bleeding or not. All he care was the scene that has been showing in front of him.


'Its seems like you already start the game'

Aesop was dancing with his twins, Claude. It's seem their were having fun. Fun..... just two of them. Like they were in their own world.

Jealousy get the best of him as he started to clench his own hand and bleed a little. The only thing more frustrating than slanderers is those foolish that take his beloved was making Joseph anger become more more dark and scarier.

Without any attention,Bi'an was back from the ballroom to get some drink and get back to the Balcony where he can see Joseph was still waiting for him. Bi'an start to talikng to Joseph but there were no respond. Maybe because he was a little far away. So Bi'an start to get closer to Joseph so he could tell Joseph that he was back

"Hey, hey, hey I'm back Jojo. Sorry for takin-"

"S-u up"

"Huh? Jojo What's wrong?"


Bi'an was panic of Joseph screaming. He was a little confused what was going on with his friend. A few minutes ago he was fine. He was still laughing with him. But now Anger was only on Joseph face. Bi'an was worried about his friend so he ask but there were no answer.

"Joseph.... are you alright?"


"Joseph I'm talking to you."


"What are you looking Joseph?" But still Joseph didn't answer Bi'an question. He only look down at the scene that was on the garden.

Bi'an then start to look at what was Joseph looking at. And there Bi'an saw a young two boys. The two boys looks like they were having fun. Bi'an doesn't recognize the face and before he could try to look at it one of the boys start to leave the other while the other still on the garden.

"Is that a one of the guest? It seems like i didn't pay attention or what. I never seen him before... maybe  Joseph did." Bi'an said to his mind.

Bi'an was about to questioned Joseph but before he do that, a second later something unexpected happening. Joseph go down to the garden without even go to the ballroom exit door. He just jump through the Balcony and landing on a bushes. Bi'an was shocked at this moment he couldn't even move.

"Joseph are you crazy? How-" Before He said anything to Joseph. Joseph just ignore him and ran up to the garden.

Bi'an was so so so confused about the situation right now. But after he take a closer look he finally understand why today Joseph Jump in through the Balcony and go to the Garden very... very quickly.

"Ow now I know. Well seems like it can be wait. You have to promise to tell me about this mysterious guy you were seeing, Joseph." Bi'an said to Joseph  though he know that Joseph won't be able to hear him because of the distance they were in.

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