"Is everyone ready to go? The Uber is going to be here soon" Becky says as she puts on her shoes.
You quickly grab your purse and phone and exit you room.
"I- I'm ready" you say out of breath.
"Geez (Y/N), if you're that winded from running out of your room, you need to hit the gym" Becky says.
You smack Becky on the arm as you walk past her to put your shoes on that were near the front door. You were the only one completely sober at the moment and you were not looking forward to the hour car ride.
"WE'RE COMING" Sarah shouts back followed by endless giggles.
"What could they be laughing about" Becky asks as she grabs her purse.
"I don't know. Honestly, I don't even want to know."
Lizzie and Sarah walk to the front door stumbling all over each other. The two of them still laughing, unable to keep their composure.
"This poor Uber driver has no idea what he's in store for" you say as you watch Sarah and Lizzie walk towards you.
Lizzie looks up and sees you standing near the front door. Her face lights up and a smile spreads across her face.
"(Y/N)! Aren't yo- you so excited *hiccup* for Wildwood?" Lizzie says as she stumbles over to you.
You reach out your arms to catch Lizzie as she falls into you. While in your arms, Lizzie looks up at you and giggles.
"This is going to be an interesting night" you say as you help Lizzie to her feet.
All 4 of you walk out of the house to get into the car. You have your arm around Lizzie's waist and she has her arm around yours, helping to support Lizzie as she walks to the car. Becky gets in the passenger seat of the car and you sit in the back with Lizzie and Sarah. You put Lizzie in the middle seat of the car and get into the back seat once she is situated.
"Uhh, is she gonna be okay?" The Uber driver asks as he looks at Lizzie through the rear view mirror.
"Oh yeah she'll be totally fine. Are you kidding me? She's sitting next to (Y/N)" Sarah says loudly at the Uber.
Lizzie and Sarah begin laughing as you sit there giving Sarah the death stare.
The car ride down is quiet. Both Sarah and Lizzie fell asleep which you were thankful about. It saved you from a car ride full of teasing, obnoxious laughter, and throw up. You sat there playing a game on your phone when suddenly Lizzie's head falls onto your shoulder. You stop what you're doing and freeze, unsure of what to do. You kick the back of Becky's seat, trying to get her attention.
"Psst, hey Becky" you whisper.
Becky turns in her seat to face you. She shrugs her shoulders at you mouthing 'what?'
Your eyes dart back and forth between Lizzie and Becky. Once Becky catches on to what you're signaling at, her eyes widen and she smirks at you. You knew what that smirk meant. You rolled your eyes at her and gave her a disgusted look. Becky turns back in her seat and your cross your arms and look out the window.
As you're looking out the window, Lizzie nuzzles her self into your neck and holds onto you arm. Your attention is quickly shifted back to Lizzie as you feel her change in position. You kick the back of Becky's seat again.
Becky turns quickly in her seat to face you with an annoyed look saying "What" in an angry tone.
Your eyes widen and you shake your head towards Lizzie. Becky giggles quietly to herself and whispers to you, "Maybe she thinks you're Robbie."
You give her a disgusted look again. You knew Becky was getting a kick out of this. Becky points her phone at you and takes a picture of you with Lizzie.
"Oh yeah that's a good one" Becky says as she turns back in her seat with her eyes focused on the picture.
You shake your head at how childish Becky is being. You felt your phone buzz and see that Becky texted you the picture.
You unlock your phone to look at the picture and you can't help but smile. As annoying as Becky is being, seeing Lizzie cuddled up to you like that made you happy.
You put your phone back in your purse and look down at Lizzie with smile. You chuckle to yourself and quickly shift your attention to the window, still smiling from ear to ear.
As you approach Wildwood, you shake your shoulder a bit to wake Lizzie. You watch as she slowly lifts her head from your shoulder and opens her eyes.
"Are we here yet?" Lizzie asks with a tired tone.
"Almost" you say smiling at her.
Lizzie still hadn't noticed that her arm was holding on to yours. She looks down and quickly pulls her arm back once she notices what she had done in her sleep.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize I had done that in my sleep" Lizzie says avoiding eye contact with you.
"It's okay, I didn't mind" you say back to her.
Lizzie looks at you and gives you a soft smile. She looks the other way and sees that Sarah is still asleep. Lizzie gently shakes Sarah to wake her up.
"Ow, my head. I guess I shouldn't have drank that much before we left" Sarah says as she leans up with her hand on her head.
"Yeah you think so" you say to Sarah as you lean forward so she can see you.
Sarah flips you off as she groans while holding her head, "Does anyone have Advil?"
Becky quickly turns in her seat to face Sarah. "I do, here."
Becky pulls a bottle of Advil out from her purse and hands it to Sarah. Sarah opens the bottle and takes 3 pills out and hands it back to Becky.
"See, this is why Becky is my favorite. She is always prepared" Sarah says as she throws the pills in her mouth and takes a sip from her bottled water.
The driver pulls up to the boardwalk and you all exit the car. Sarah thanks the driver and gives him a hefty tip for driving so far. You all walk onto the boardwalk and admire the lights, the smells, and the noise that complete the boardwalk.
"Sarah, aren't you worried someone is going to notice us?" Lizzie asks with an anxious tone.
"Don't worry Lizzie, May is considered the off season of the shore. There won't be many people here. If anything, maybe one or two people will notice us" Sarah says trying to comfort Lizzie.
You can tell Lizzie is still feeling anxious after what Sarah said. You grab Lizzie's hand and give it a squeeze and say, "Everything will be okay."
Lizzie squeezes your hand back and smiles at you.
You let go of Lizzie's hand as you say, "Alright! Who's up for some rides?"

The things I did
Fanfiction(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ