You Have Got to be Kidding Me

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"What do you think we should do for dinner tonight?" Sarah asks Holland while they are in the kitchen preparing for dinner tonight.

It's roughly around 2 PM and you are expecting your guests at 5.

"Well, do we wanna keep it simple or serve up some gourmet dinner?" Holland asks as she helps Sarah in the kitchen.

"Hmmmmm, I'm not sure. (Y/N), what do you think?"

You are currently sitting in the living room, reading a book.

"What did you say?" You ask as you are distracted by your book.

Sarah rolls her eyes and walks over to the living room. She snatches the book from your hands.

"What are you reading that has you so distracted?" Sarah asks as she reads the book title.

"Tuesday's With Morrie? Okay, I'll give you a pass this time. This book is very good" Sarah says as she hands you back the book.

"Thank you very much. Now, what did you ask me before?" You say as you take your book back from Sarah.

"What do you think we should do for dinner tonight?" Sarah says as she stands over you.

You were laying peacefully on the couch, enjoying your book before Sarah disturbed you.

"I don't know, what are our options?" You ask, showing no real interest in dinner tonight.

"That's the issue, we don't have any idea of what to make."

You lay there and think to yourself. "How about we keep it simple and just get some pizza. I mean isn't this a dinner/pool party?"

"It is, I guess pizza would be best. Darling, are you okay with pizza?" Sarah asks Holland, who is still in the kitchen.

"I'm fine with whatever" Holland says as she rinses some strawberries.

"Alright, pizza it is then. (Y/N), would you be able to run to the store and grab some drinks for tonight?" Sarah asks as she makes her way back over to the kitchen.

You sit up on the couch as you watch Sarah make her way back over to the kitchen. "What kind of drinks?"

"The good kind" Sarah says from the kitchen.

You knew 'the good kind' was code name for alcoholic drinks. You weren't the biggest drinker, you only enjoyed cocktails.

You get up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen where Sarah and Holland are.

"Do you have a frother?" You ask as you enter the kitchen.

Sarah gives you a strange look over your request. "A frother?"

You nod your head, "yes, a frother. You know I hate drinks that have carbon in them. If I froth the drink, it removes the carbon."

Sarah continues to give you a weird look. "How did you come up with that one?"

"TikTok. You should really download it, they have some pretty great ideas on there."

Holland pulls open a drawer and takes out the frother.

"Here" Holland says as she picks up the frother and waves it in the air.

"Perfect! Are there any drink requests?" You ask as you make your way over to the front door to grab the car keys and your purse.

"Ummm, nothing crazy. Maybe some White Claws and Seagrams. Holland do you want anything specific?" Sarah asks.

"No, I'm fine drinking the wine we have here" Holland says.

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