Flight 213

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"I'm so excited" you hear Mary-Kate say as you all sit around your terminal waiting for your flight to come in.

A smile forms on your face, "I'm glad you're excited! It's going to be a lot of fun."

You currently all sit in a little corner, hidden from the public eye as you wait for your plane to arrive. Sarah, Holland, Lizzie, and the twins have hats and sunglasses on to keep their identities hidden. You glance up at Sarah and see that she is wearing your shark hat.

"Dude, seriously!? If you lose that hat, you are dead" you say as you give Sarah a death stare.

"Oh please, how could I lose a hat?" Sarah says as she keeps her attention on her phone.

You shake your head as you think to yourself, 'She loses everything.'

Lizzie, who is sitting next you and holding your hand, squeezes your hand tightly—telling you to let it go.

You turn your head to face Lizzie as she gives you a calm down look. You shake your head and sink into your seat as you think to yourself, 'Whatever.'

"Flight 213 is now boarding" you hear over the intercoms.

"That's us" Sarah says as she quickly stands up and grabs her carry on.

Lizzie let's go of your hand so the two of you can stand up. You grab your carry on, then grab Lizzie's and make your way over to Sarah's to take her carry on. You begin to pull on the strap of Sarah's carry on, but she keeps her grip on the bag.

"Sarah? What are you doing, give me your bag" you say to Sarah as you continue to pull at the strap.

"You have someone else's bag to carry now" Sarah says as she looks over at Lizzie, who is standing with her sisters.

You turn to look at Lizzie before turning back to Sarah, "Sarah, that doesn't matter. I can carry your bag too. Family always comes first."

Sarah let's out a sigh as she loosens her grip on her bag, knowing you weren't going to let up. You smile to yourself as Sarah releases her bag, allowing you to swing it up around your shoulder. The 9 of you walk over to the boarding station, waiting to board. Sarah hands the flight attendant everyone's tickets for him to scan. Once all tickets are scanned, he hands Sarah back the tickets and guides you all onto the plane.

The 9 of you all make your way to First Class. You walk past all the other passengers in First Class, who give your large group strange looks at the number of people walking by.

"Since there's 9 of us, someone will be sitting alone" Sarah says as she reaches the private seats where her and Holland will be sitting.

"That's fine, I enjoy my own company" Justin says as he places his bag down and hops into his seat.

You giggle as you walk past Justin who is sipping his drink and reading a magazine.

You hand Sarah her carry on before you continue on to where you and Lizzie will be sitting. Sarah mouths "Thank you" as you continue on to your seats. As you reach your private seats, you step aside letting Lizzie take the inside seat. Once Lizzie gets settled, you place the bags down and get comfortable in your seats.

The twins walk past you and Lizzie and take their seats which are right behind you two.

"I don't want to  hear anything gross while on this flight" Ashley says as she takes her seat.

"Me too" Sarah says from her seat, which is in front of you and Lizzie.

"Geez, all I hear are a bunch of haters" you say as you turn your head to look at Lizzie.

Lizzie nods in agreement, "Me too. What a tough crowd."

Mary-Kate stands up from her seat and reaches over to smack Lizzie on her arm. As she smacks Lizzie, Lizzie mouths "Owe" as she rubs her arm.

"You better watch out too, (Y/N). I'm not afraid to smack you" Mary-Kate says as she gets settled back into her seat.

"I will keep that in mind" you say back to Mary-Kate.

Once everyone gets settled, you all talk together as a group waiting for the plane to take off.

You watch as the seat belt icon above your seats lights up and a ding is heard throughout the plane, meaning it's time for take off. You all fasten your seat belts and place your phones on Airplane Mode as the plane pulls away from the airport.

Now that the plane is moving, Holland, Sarah, Lizzie, and the twins are able to remove their sunglasses and hats for the duration of the flight. As Lizzie takes her sunglasses and hat off, she turns to you and smiles at you.

You smile back at Lizzie as you reach out to grab her hand. She extends her hand out, interlocking your fingers together. She holds on to your hand tightly as the plane begins to make its way to the runway.

"Are you nervous?" You ask as Lizzie's grip on your hand tightens.

"A little. For someone who doesn't like adrenaline rushes, take off isn't always so easy for me" Lizzie says as she keeps her eyes on the seat in front of her.

You watch as Lizzie shifts uncomfortably in her seat, trying to make herself comfortable. You squeeze Lizzie's hand, trying to get her attention.

Lizzie turns her head to face you as she feels you squeeze her hand. You try to comfort Lizzie, "It's okay, I'm right here."

Lizzie faintly smiles at you as you try to comfort her. She mouths, "Thank you" to you as she turns back to facing the seat in front of her.

The plane begins to speed up as it goes down the runway. As the plane speeds up, Lizzie closes her eyes and clenches her teeth as the grip on your hand tightens.

You keep your attention on Lizzie as the plane begins to take off while tightening your grip on Lizzie's hand, hoping to provide some comfort.

As the plane reaches its position in the air, Lizzie's grip loosens up as you watch her relax into her seat. She lets out a deep sigh as she opens her eyes and loosens her jaw.

She turns her head to face you as a slight chuckle escapes her mouth, "Thank you."

You smile as you bring Lizzie's hand up to your lips and place a gentle kiss on the dorsal part of her hand.

Lizzie pulls her hand away as she adjust herself in her seat.

"Who wants a drink?" Sarah asks as she stands up in her seat.

"Me, please" Lizzie says while trying to make herself comfortable.

'This is going to be a loooong flight' you think to yourself.

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