Everything surrounding you begins to become a blur as you lock eyes with Lizzie. The music, the shouting people, the blinding lights—they all become unnoticeable to you as your attention shifts to Lizzie. You can't help but notice how beautiful her eyes look in the chaos that surrounds you.
Lizzie begins to pull your hand towards her and as she does, you begin to snap back into reality. You can suddenly feel your heart beat to the rhythm of the music. Lizzie pulls you closer to her as she shouts into your ear.
"Do you have a drink? I can get you one." She says trying to talk over the music.
You answer her in the same manner, "Well, what are you drinking?"
She giggles as she says "A Malibu Bay-breeze."
You flash a smile at her—that is your favorite drink. "I like your taste, Lizzie. I would love a Malibu Bay-breeze."
Lizzie releases your hand and pulls back from you with a big smile on her face. She quickly turns around and heads to the bar to get you a drink.
You turn to your side hoping to find Becky next to you but she is nowhere to be seen. You look out onto the dance floor and see Becky and Sarah dancing. Both Becky and Sarah have a drink in their hand and by the way they are dancing, you know you're going to be taking care of them later. You watch as they both dance to the music—bumping into each other and stumbling all over. You shake your head as you know what the night will bring you.
"Why are you shaking your head?" You hear from behind you.
You turn around and see Lizzie holding two drinks in her hands. She reaches one hand out to you so you can grab the drink she got you.
You grab the drink from Lizzie and take a sip. "Thank you, I'm watching Becky and Sarah on the dance floor. I can tell by the way they are dancing that tonight is going to be a long night."
You and Lizzie both turn to watch Sarah and Becky on the dance floor. Suddenly, you hear the DJ chime in.
"Alright party people! How about we take this back in time!"
The DJ begins to play 'Do Ya Think I'm Sexy' by Rod Stewart. Your eyes widen as you know what is about to happen.
"Oh no" you say out loud, your eyes still fixated on the dance floor.
"Oh no what?" Lizzie asks. "This is a great song, I love this song." She says as she turns her head to look at you.
You feel Lizzie's focus shift to you. You look back at her and say, "I know, this is a great song. BUT Becky REALLY loves this song."
Before Lizzie can answer, you feel someone tugging at your arm and you know it's Becky. You quickly reach your arm out towards Lizzie so she can take your drink. Lizzie quickly grabs your drink as your body is forced to face the dance floor due to Becky's strength.
Becky starts to sing the song to you as she dances up on you. "If you want my body and you think I'm sexy come on sugar let me know...."
You sing the song back to Becky, feeling the rhythm take over your body. "If you really need me, just reach out and touch me come on, honey, tell me so...."
Becky turns her back to you as the two of you start to grind on each other. Your focus shifts as you hear Lizzie's voice in the background.
"Are they dating?" You hear Lizzie ask.
"No, they're just really close. Becky is straight, but (Y/N) is gay" you hear Sarah reply.
Your focus shifts back to Becky and the music. A smile forms upon you face after listening to the conversation between Sarah and Lizzie. But Becky notices that your attention is elsewhere.
"Well since your attention is elsewhere, I'm going to get myself a better dance partner."
With that, Becky leaves you on the dance floor and walks towards Sarah and Lizzie. She grabs Sarah's hand and leads her out to the dance floor. You watch as the two of them walk past you with Becky sticking her tongue out at you. You giggle to yourself as you leave the dance floor and make your way back towards Lizzie.
"What was that about?" Lizzie asks as she hands you back your drink.
"Apparently I was too distracted for Becky's liking" you say as you take a sip from your drink.
"Distracted by what?" She asks as she looks up at you.
You choke on your drink as you are shocked by her question. You feel your face get red as you don't know what to say. Suddenly, you hear 'Rapper's Delight' by The Sugarhill Gang begin to play.
"Now this right here is my song. I don't know about you, but I love to dance and I need to dance to this song."
You start to make your way back out to the dance floor towards Sarah and Becky. You feel your anxiousness disappear as you head deeper into the crowd. It was luck that Rapper's Delight started to play when it did—it saved you from an awkward conversation.
You felt bad leaving Lizzie by herself, but you knew if you stayed that conversation would've taken a turn for the worse. Once you reach Sarah and Becky, you start dancing with them, singing along to the song.
'Now what you hear is not a test, I'm rappin' to the beat and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet...'
You start laughing as Sarah gets in your face and sings along with you.
'See, I am Wonder Mike, and I'd like to say hello to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, and purple and yellow....'
Just before you start to sing the next line, you hear a familiar voice from behind you continue the song.
'But first I gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie. Let's rock, you don't stop the rock the riddle that will make your body rock.....'
You turn around to see Lizzie singing 'Rapper's Delight'. Your mouth drops open at how impressed you are that she knows the song.
"You know this song?!" You ask excitingly.
"Of course I do! My friends in college always played this song when we were getting ready to go out to the bar" she replied as her body moved to the beat of the music.
You were in such awe of what was going on. You never felt this happy before. You were taking in the moment and feeling so thankful that you had 3 poop accidents earlier that day. It was a moment you hoped would never end. But all good things must come to an end.
"I think I'm gonna be sick" you hear Sarah say as she runs past you towards the bathroom.
"That's my queue" you say to Becky and Lizzie as you follow after Sarah.

The things I did
Fiksi Penggemar(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ