"What are you doing Lizzie" Robbie asks as he stares at your linked arms.
"I'm getting pizza, that's what I'm doing Robbie. What are YOU doing?" Lizzie asks defensively.
"I haven't heard from you in a week, Liz. How do you not expect me to get worried and come and check on you? You're my fiancée for sake."
You can feel Lizzie squeeze your arm as she gets more tense speaking to Robbie.
"Do not say that to me. You are not in control of this situation. I did not cheat, YOU did. You do not get to call me that."
Robbie laughs at Lizzie as he answers her back, becoming defensive himself. "Really? Because from what I'm seeing, it seems like I'm not the only one who cheated."
You feel Lizzie tense up even more at what Robbie said. He was right, she did cheat, and you were apart of it. You feel your stomach sink as you're snapped back into reality of the current situation.
Lizzie tries to avoid Robbie's comment by changing the topic. "How did you even find me Robbie?"
"Well, from what I remember, you told me you were visiting your sisters. But here you are, in New Jersey, with some random person."
Lizzie let's go of your arm and intensely walks up to Robbie getting in his face.
"She's not some random person, Robbie. She's Sarah's younger sister."
Robbie rolls his eyes at Lizzie. "Like that makes it any better. What are you doing with Sarah? Where even is Sarah?"
"Sarah is my friend, I can do whatever I want with my friends. Sarah and I went out with her sister and her friend. They are on their way back. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a pizza to pick up."
Lizzie tries to walk past Robbie but Robbie quickly grabs her arm.
"Are you fucking her" Robbie asks as he stares into Lizzie's eyes.
Lizzie doesn't answer, she just stares back at Robbie. Before things escalate, you quickly chime in.
"No, we aren't. If I were you, I'd let go of Lizzie before things escalate. I don't know much about your situation, but from what I know, I don't think you should be the one with trust issues. Now, leave before I call the cops" you say as you walk towards Lizzie and grab her free arm to pull her away from Robbie.
Robbie looks you in the eyes before letting go of Lizzie. "When are you coming home, Lizzie?"
Lizzie quickly grabs your arm and walks away from Robbie. "Whenever I decide to come home."
You take Lizzie back into the hotel lobby and sit her in a chair so she can calm down. You walk back outside to grab the pizza from the delivery guy. You walk up to the delivery man and pay and tip him for the pizza. As you go to head back into the hotel, Robbie walks in front of you, blocking you from walking into the hotel.
"I don't know who you are or what you want with Lizzie, but she's my fiancée and I will protect her with everything I have" Robbie says trying to threaten you.
You laugh at Robbie as you respond to him, "Yeah, okay. Maybe you should ask your fiancée who she trusts more. You or someone she just met yesterday. Goodbye Robbie."
You walk past Robbie, bumping into his shoulder as you walk back into the hotel. You walk over to where Lizzie is sitting and see her trying to hold back her tears.
"Come on, I got the pizza. Let's get you upstairs" you say to Lizzie as she stands up.
You put your arm around Lizzie's waist and pull her into you, trying to comfort her. You both make your way over to the elevators to go back up to the hotel room.
Once you reach the hotel room, Lizzie begins to break down crying, walking over to the bed. You watch as Lizzie pulls her phone out from her purse and begins to look for flights back to California.
You walk over to Lizzie and sit next to her on the bed, trying to console her.
"Do you think going back home is the best choice right now?" You say to Lizzie, trying to figure out what she's feeling.
"I shouldn't have come here with Sarah. I shouldn't have met you, I shouldn't have dragged you into this. I need to go back home" Lizzie says as she stands up and begins to gather her things.
You get up with Lizzie and try to calm her down. "Lizzie, you didn't do anything wrong. What just happened wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything wrong."
You back up from Lizzie, as she is obviously frustrated and you know you can't do anything to help her.
"I'm going home, (Y/N). Tell Sarah I said thank you" Lizzie says as she heads for the door.
You don't know what to do. You are completely shocked by what has just happened. You don't know if you should chase her or let her go. You watch Lizzie walk out the door and you stand there utterly shocked. You walk over to the window in the hotel room and watch Lizzie walk over to Robbie and fall into his arms. Your heart shatters watching Lizzie leave and confide in Robbie.
Soon, both Robbie and Lizzie leave in a car together to head to the airport.
"What the fuck just happened" you say out loud to yourself.
You feel your phone begin to buzz and see that Becky is calling you.
"Beck's, I have no idea what just happened" you say into the phone.
"I am not letting Lizzie go back to that asshole. Driver, follow that car" you hear Sarah say in the background.
"What are you two doing?! What are you doing in a car?!" You say to Becky.
"The Tram Car was done running when we left the club. We had to get an Uber to get back here and as we pulled up, we saw Lizzie crying as she got into the car with Robbie" Becky explains as the car follows Lizzie and Robbie to the airport.
"Give me the phone" you hear Sarah say to Becky.
"(Y/N)? What happened? Are you okay? I need you to tell me what happened" Sarah says over the phone.
You begin to explain to Sarah everything that happened that night between you and Lizzie.
"God, I hate that asshole. He is manipulative and she always goes back to him" Sarah says to you over the phone.
"(Y/N), we have to go. We are pulling up to the airport now and I see Lizzie and Robbie. I'll talk to you soon" Sarah says as she hangs up the phone.
With that, you are now sitting in your hotel room, alone with your pizza and cheesy bread worrying of what's to come next.

The things I did
Fanfiction(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ