You currently lay in your seat with your eyes closed and AirPods in, listening to I'm On Fire by Bruce Springsteen trying to sleep. That is until you feel someone poking you arm.
"Psssst, (Y/N)" you hear someone say in the background of your music.
You slowly peel your eyes open as you take one AirPod out of your ear. You turn your head to the right to see Lizzie poking at your arm.
"Is everything okay?" You ask trying to awaken from your sleep state.
Lizzie nods her head, "Yeah, but I'm bored."
"And? What am I supposed to do about it?" You ask Lizzie as you give her a weird look.
Lizzie gives you a death stare after hearing your response, "I don't know! Maybe talk to me?"
You fix yourself in your seat so you are more upright, "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"
Lizzie sits there and thinks to herself, "Ummmm, I don't know. I was hoping you'd have a topic."
You giggle to yourself as you think of something interesting to talk about. You lean into Lizzie so no one can hear you, "Okay, who's your favorite twin."
Lizzie leans back with an appalled look, "(Y/N)! Don't ask me that" Lizzie says as she slaps your arm.
You laugh to yourself as you rub your arm where Lizzie smacked you, "Okay, okay!"
You continue to sit there in silence, thinking of ways to entertain Lizzie.
"Is that really the best you can do?" Lizzie asks as she sits there waiting for you to ask something.
"What! It's not like you're helping!" You say while trying to think of something.
Lizzie rolls her eyes, "Alright, here's one for you. What's your favorite kind of shark?"
A smile grows on your face as Lizzie asks you about sharks, "Oh wow, this is hard. I do love my Hammerhead sharks but I also love Great Whites. But, if I had to choose between the two, I'd say Hammerheads."
Lizzie, who knows nothing about sharks, asks, "What's so special about them?"
Your face lights up as Lizzie shows interest in learning about sharks, "I don't know. They're just a very unique looking shark. Did you know they swim on their sides?"
Lizzie looks at you shocked, "They swim on their sides? Why?"
"Really just to save energy. Hammerheads are very harmless to humans, although they are rather aggressive sharks."
"What do you mean they are harmless to humans? Aren't sharks human eating machines?"
You giggle at how little Lizzie really knows about sharks, "Most shark species are harmless. The top 3 that really attack are Great Whites, Tigers, and Bulls. But, when most sharks do attack, it's rather because they have you confused for something else or they are curious as to what you are. Kinda like how a dog will sniff something to figure out what it is, a shark bites things."
"Oh how nice, a shark needs to bite me to figure out I'm human?!"
"Listen, you're more likely to be crushed by a vending machine than to die from a shark. They are really misunderstood creatures. They don't even like humans! We are too boney for them and we don't provide them with enough fat."
"As if that's supposed to make me feel better."
"I can go on and on all day talking about them."
"I think I've had enough. This did not help with my opinion of sharks" Lizzie says as she crosses her arms.
"Okay Olsen, answer me this. What's your favorite fruit?"
"Oh geez, this is hard. I love a good berry like strawberries or blueberries but also enjoy my mangos and melons."
There's a pause before Lizzie continues, thinking of what her favorite fruit is.
"I'd have to say blueberries. Although strawberries are a very close second, blueberries take the win. Do you have a favorite fruit?"
"Oh you bet I do. Mines pineapple. I love pineapple everything. One of the reasons why I always go for a Malibu Bay Breeze, it's got that delicious pineapple juice in it."
"That's so basic."
You look at Lizzie pretending to be offended, "Excuse me? Me, basic? You're the one that likes the blueberries! I'd say those are basic."
Lizzie returns the same offended look, "What! blueberries are superior. You're just jealous pineapples will never come close to competing with blueberries."
As you and Lizzie bicker back and forth over blueberries and pineapples, Sarah has had quite enough.
"Oh my god, enough you two! It's goddamn fruit. Besides, strawberries are the superior fruit. Blueberries and pineapple don't even compete, case closed" Sarah says from her seat in front of you two.
You and Lizzie both roll your eyes and cross your arms as you sink into your seats. "Whatever" you mumble to yourself so no one can hear you.
Lizzie turns to face you with an evil look on your face, "Let's give them something to complain about."
You look at Lizzie with a confused expression, "What are you getting at Olsen?"
Lizzie bites her lower lip as she gets up from her seat and straddles your lap. While biting her lower lip, she cups your face as she looks into your eyes.
"Oh, this is what you were getting at" you say as you hold Lizzie on your lap.
Lizzie nods her head as she leans in and closes the gap between your lips. Lizzie begins to let out obnoxious moans to annoy everyone around you two. You giggle between kisses at Lizzie's actions. Before things can get heated, Sarah has already had enough.
"Excuse me ma'am, but we are switching seats" Holland says as she stands over you and Lizzie.
Lizzie giggles as she gets off your lap and sits back in her seat. You get up from your seat with a smile on your face as you walk to Holland's seat to sit with Sarah. As you settle yourself into Holland's seat, Sarah stares at you with a blank face.
"What?" You ask with a slight chuckle while starring at Sarah.
"I can't stand you" Sarah says as she shakes her head and a smiles forms on her face.
You chuckle to yourself as you open the window and watch the clouds pass by. You feel someone kick your seat, remembering Lizzie is sitting behind you.
"Olsen, you better knock it off" you say from your seat, threatening Lizzie.
"Or else what?" Lizzie asks as she pulls herself up from her seat and stands over your chair.
"I don't know, but I'll think of something!" You say as you look up at Lizzie.
Lizzie smiles at you as she leans down to kiss you before sitting back in her seat.
"God, you two are gross" Sarah says as she gives you a disgusted look.
"Look who's talking!" You say back to Sarah.

The things I did
Fanfiction(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ