"Wow, I really needed this. Thank you, Sarah" you say as you lay on the hotel bed that you and Sarah are sharing.
"I'm glad you had fun" Sarah says as she turns to face you in bed.
"I really mean it, Sarah. I really felt alive and free for once, like I was actually living in the moment" you say as you turn to face Sarah.
"What do you mean?" Sarah says with a puzzled look.
You let out a sigh, "Ever since Grandma died, I felt my self slip into this feeling of being stuck. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel as though I'm not making progress in my life."
Sarah looks at you concerned, "Stuck? I'm not sure I understand what you mean."
You sigh again, "I don't even know what I mean when I say stuck, but that's the best way to describe it. I feel like all this chaos is taking place around me and I'm at the center of it. As if it's constantly circling me and I can't escape it. I'm just stuck right in the center."
"I can see why you would feel that way. These past few months have been quite chaotic and you have been at the center of it. I'm sorry that you feel that way, I wish I could make it better."
"Don't apologize, you do more than enough. I know it's something I'll grow out of, I just don't know when. That's the worst part of it all, the unknown."
"The unknown?"
"Yes, the unknown. I don't know when I'll stop feeling this way, or what's next. For all I know, something chaotic can happen again and it'll get thrown into my never ending circle of madness."
"I wish I had a better understanding of what you're going through" Sarah says as she reaches for your hand.
"Don't worry, Sarah. Although it frustrates me, I know I'll power through it and break free from it. I just don't know how much longer I need to wait, that's what kills me."
Sarah gives you a weak smile as she mouths 'Okay.'
"What time do we have to be up tomorrow?" You ask mentally preparing for an early morning.
"Our flight is at 1 PM so I'd like to be up by 10" Sarah says.
You nod your head, "I can do 10, 10 is manageable."
Sarah laughs at you, "I don't understand how you can sleep in until 11 or 12."
"I don't understand how you can get up before 11 or 12."
Sarah rolls her eyes and giggles at you, "A normal person is easily able to do that."
"Well, as you can see, I am far from normal at the moment" you say with a chuckle.
Sarah let's go of your hand and pushes her self out of bed.
"What are you doing?" You ask as you watch Sarah lean up.
"Just stretching, thinking of something to do" Sarah says as she looks around the hotel room.
"We can watch some tv" you say as you roll over to grab the tv remote from the nightstand.
Sarah shrugs her shoulders, "Alrighty then, fine by me."
You turn the tv on and scroll through the channels until you find something to watch. Sarah lowers herself back down in bed as she scrolls with you.
"Omg go back!! I think that was Mrs. Doubtfire" Sarah says as she gets excited.
You go back one channel and the movie, Mrs. Doubtfire, appears on the screen. A smile forms on Sarah's face as she watches the movie.
"I love this movie, Robin Williams is so brilliant" Sarah says as she keeps her attention on the tv.
"I know, this is one of my favorite movies of his. Such a shame that he is no longer with us."
Sarah sighs, "I know, I would have loved to work with him."
You turn your head to look at Sarah, "You, an actress who does drama and horror work with an actor who does comedy?"
Sarah smacks you on the arm, "Worlds are able to collide (Y/N)! Plus, you know I would love to do comedy."
"Don't you have to be funny to do comedy?" You say teasing Sarah.
Sarah turns and smacks you even harder in the same spot, "You are not funny."
You laugh at Sarah as you rub your arm where she hit you. As you and Sarah enjoy Mrs. Doubtfire, Lizzie is back home hanging with her sisters.
"When do you think (Y/N) and Sarah are coming home?" Lizzie asks as she's cuddled in between her two sisters on the guest bed.
"I don't know, she didn't tell you?" Ashley asks as she keeps her eyes fixated on the tv.
"Nope. All I know is Sarah told me they would make it back for my wedding" Lizzie says as she plays with her hair.
"Well, if they said they would be back in time, I wouldn't worry about it" Ashley says.
"You know I'm not capable of that" Lizzie says, still playing with her hair.
Ashley giggles at Lizzie, "I don't know what to tell you Liz."
Ashley picks up the remote that is laying on Lizzie's stomach and begins to scroll through the channels. Lizzie watches along as Ashley scrolls through, waiting to see something good.
"Ooh stop! I love this movie" Lizzie says as she points to the tv screen.
Ashley stops on the channel selected and sees that Mrs. Doubtfire is playing, "Good eye Lizzie, this is a great movie."
Ashley and Lizzie watch the movie together, giggling throughout the film.
"Is MK alive?" Lizzie asks as she tries to look up at her sister.
Ashley picks herself up to look at Mary-Kate. All she sees is a passed out Mary-Kate.
"She's asleep" Ashley says as she lowers herself back down.
Lizzie rolls her eyes, "My god she's like an old lady. It's only 10 PM!"
Ashley laughs at Lizzie, "You know she's always been that way."
"I know, I was hoping she would break it one day but I guess not."
Ashley and Lizzie lay in silence as they watch the movie together, that is until Lizzie brings up the wedding.
"Ash" Lizzie says as she lifts her self up in bed.
"Yeah?" Ashley asks as she watches Lizzie.
"Do you think mom and dad would be upset with me if I left Robbie?"
"I think if you explain to them you aren't happy with him and you need to do what's best for you they'd understand. Why?"
Lizzie sighs, "I don't want to disappoint them. This is my second engagement, isn't that a lot for most people?"
"I don't think so. You can't compare yourself to others. Just because you haven't had the same experiences as others, doesn't mean you're any less than them."
"I really don't know what to do."
"You already know what I'm going to tell you."
"Trust my gut?"
"Trust your gut."

The things I did
Fanfiction(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ