The Talk

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     "Thank you for driving" you say to Sarah as you and Lizzie get out of Sarah's car.

     Holland and Sarah follow your actions, getting ready to say their goodbyes.

     "Are you sure you can't just stay here forever? I would be one happy gal" Sarah says as she pulls you in for a hug.

     You giggle as you hug Sarah back, "I have a life in Jersey that I can't abandon just yet."

     "YOU DIDN'T SAY NO! That gives me hope" Sarah says as she pulls out of the hug.

     You shake your head, "Don't get your hopes up."

     Sarah softly smiles at you as she begins to tear up. "Oh please no, no tears" you say.

     "I'm sorry, I'm just going to miss you so much. These past two months were so much fun. I wish you didn't have to go" Sarah says as she wipes her tears.

     You pull Sarah back into a hug, "I'm sure I'll be back before you know it."

     You pull out of the hug as you continue, "Thanks for being the best sister ever and for introducing me to that special someone" you say as you look at Lizzie.

     Sarah smiles at you, "I'm glad you two are happy together."

You smile back at Sarah, "Me too."

     You walk over to Holland and pull her into a hug, "I can't wait for you to officially be my sister-in-law."

Holland hugs you back, "Aren't I already?"

     You giggle as you pull away, "I guess so but I mean officially."

Holland smiles at you, "I know."

     "Make sure you look out for Sarah. I don't want any phone calls resulting in me jumping on a plane" you say as you point at Sarah.

     "I promise I'll look after her. Although, I can't promise that she won't fake an excuse to get you here" Holland says with a slight giggle.

     You shake your head as you giggle at Holland. "What?!" Sarah asks as she watches you two giggle at her.

     "Oh nothing darling. Let's get going" Holland says as she begins to walk back towards the car.

     Lizzie wraps her arm around your waist as the two of you wave goodbye to Holland and Sarah. Once they are out of sight, you and Lizzie head inside.

     "I had a lot of fun today" you say as you kick your shoes off near the front door.

     You don't get a reply from Lizzie, causing you to turn to face her. You lock eyes with a teary eyed Lizzie.

     "What's wrong?!" You worriedly ask as you rush to Lizzie's side.

     Lizzie sniffles, "Do you really have to leave tomorrow?"

     You wipe Lizzie's tears away as you kiss her forehead, "Unfortunately I do have a job that I need to go back to."

Lizzie looks at you with her glassy puppy eyes, "Are we about to have this conversation?"

You sigh as you grab ahold of Lizzie's hand and lead her to the couch. The two of you sit next to each other as you keep her hand in your grasp.

"I do have a life in New Jersey that I need to go home to. My work, my friends—" you're cut off by Lizzie.

"What about Sarah? What about the life you have here? What about me?" Lizzie asks as she begins to choke up.

You lower your head as another sigh escapes from you, "It's not that simple. I would love nothing more than to be here. Be close to you, be close to Sarah. But LA is Sarah's home, your home. In LA, I wouldn't be (Y/N) Paulson—I would be Sarah Paulson's younger sister or Elizabeth Olsen's girlfriend."

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