You and Sarah are at Newark airport waiting for your flight to arrive. Today is Tuesday, marking 4 days until Lizzie's wedding.
"Can you stop chewing your gum like a cow" Sarah says as she intensely watches you chew.
You squint your eyes at Sarah and chew even louder to annoy her. Sarah shoves your face away with her hand, tired of hearing your chewing.
"Flight T7 is now boarding" you hear over the intercom.
"That's us" Sarah says as she gets up from her seat and goes to grab her carry-on bag.
You quickly shoot out of your seat and grab Sarah's bag before she can grab it. She rolls her eyes at you, knowing you never let her carry her bags. Sarah leads the two of you to the boarding entrance. You follow behind Sarah carrying your bags as Sarah hands the flight attendant the tickets. The flight attendant scans the tickets and hands them back to Sarah as she smiles and waves her on board. Since you were traveling with Sarah, you'd be sitting first class. Something you certainly were not used to.
As you board the plane, you are in awe as you look around the first class cabin.
"Wow" you say to yourself, quietly enough that no one hears you.
You follow Sarah to your seats as you pass other passengers who are also flying first class. Sarah keeps her sunglasses on until she reaches the seats to ensure no one recognizes her. The two of you reach your seats and you place your carry-on bags down.
"I don't know about you, but I plan on sleeping during this flight" Sarah says as she sits down to get comfortable in her seat.
"You? Sleep during a flight? Are you feeling okay?" You ask as you take the other seat in your private area.
"The time zones always mess me up. It's a 5 hour flight but when we land in LA, it'll be 3 PM instead of 6 PM."
"I guess I should sleep too. I always forget about the mess of traveling with time zones."
You get comfortable in your seat and pull out your phone to pass the time until the plane begins to take off. Since you're seated in first class you boarded first. Meaning, you'll have to wait a while until the plane officially takes off. You open your messages and text Becky and Justin.
You: We are on the plane now, waiting to take off.
Becks: Yay! I can't wait to see you guys, mainly Sarah though.
You: You're the worst.
Becks: Hey, at least I'm honest.
Justin: Well (Y/N), I'm excited to see you and Sarah, but you a bit more.
You: At least someone appreciates me.
Becks: Oh, I know someone who appreciates you 😉
You: Do you enjoy your life? Because I can arrange to have it ended.
Becks: I do enjoy my life, especially when it involves messing with you.
You: Wow, thank you. I feel so loved.
Justin: You can only imagine what I've had to deal with since you've been gone. Please hurry back.
You: Maybe I'll have them delay the flight so I can stay here a little longer.
Becks: Wow, fuck you guys.

The things I did
Fanfiction(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ