"At this time, we ask our passengers to head back to their seats as we begin our descent" you hear over the intercom on the plane.
Your excitement rises as you know Sarah will want Holland next to her during the descent, meaning you'll be back with Lizzie. You turn to look at Sarah, waiting for her to say something.
Sarah can feel your eyes on her. She turns her head to look at you, "Can you behave?"
You nod your head like a child begging for their toy. Sarah shakes her head as she says, "Go back to your seat."
You spring quickly up from your seat and exit to go back to Lizzie. You walk up to your seat and tap Holland on the shoulder, "My time-out is done."
Holland gets up from your seat and gathers her things before heading back to her seat next to Sarah. As soon as Holland leaves, you plop yourself in your seat and pull Lizzie into you. You give Lizzie the most loving kiss, taking her by surprise.
"Wow, someone missed me" Lizzie says as she pulls back from your embrace.
You nod your head, "You bet I did."
Lizzie giggles as you both hear the flight attendant speak over the intercom again.
"At this time, all passengers should be back in their seats. We ask that you fasten your seat belts as we begin our descent. Thank you for flying with Delta Air Lines. Enjoy your stay in New Jersey."
A smile grows on your face as you hear the flight attendant mention New Jersey. You were so happy to be home, especially with the people you loved. You were looking forward to showing the twins around and spending the week at the shore with everyone. But most importantly, you were excited to spend time with Lizzie. You quickly fasten your seat belt as the same smile stays on your face.
"What are you so giddy about?" Lizzie asks as she clicks her seat belt into place.
You turn your head to look at Lizzie, "I'm really excited to be back home."
A smile grows on Lizzie's face. She reaches out and grabs your hand as she says, "I'm excited too."
The plane makes it landing at Newark Airport and the 9 of you all grab your things and exit the plane. Of course, you carrying yours, Lizzie's, and Sarah's carry on bag. You pick up your bags at the baggage claim and walk out of the airport where you wait for your Uber's to arrive to take you all back to yours and Becky's apartment.
You, Bernie, Lizzie, and the twins enter one Uber while Sarah, Winnie, Holland, Justin, Becky, and Matt enter the other Uber. As you arrive at your apartment, you pull your keys out from your bag to head over to your car.
"Becky and I will drive everyone down to the shore house" you say as everyone stands around outside of the apartment building.
"I call riding with (Y/N)!" Justin says as he squeezes himself through Becky and Matt.
"Rude!" Becky says with an offended look.
"No offense, but you are literally the worst driver ever" Justin says as he turns to look at Becky.
You giggle as you watch Sarah take Becky's car keys from her hand.
"And with that, I'll be driving" Sarah says as she grabs Becky's car keys.
"Whatever" Becky says as she rolls her eyes.
"Well, since Justin is riding with us, Bernie will have to go with you" you say as you hand Becky Bernie's leash.
Becky nods as she grabs Bernie's leash from your hand. She pulls Bernie towards her as Becky, Matt, Sarah, Holland, and Winnie begin to make their way towards Becky's car. You lead Lizzie, Justin, and the twins over to your car.
"I just realized I don't think I've ever seen your car (Y/N)" Lizzie says as she walks with you, hand-in-hand, towards your car.
"Well, you were in NJ for what, like 3 days the last time you were here?" You ask Lizzie.
"Oh wait until you see her car, it's luxury" Justin says as he runs up next to Lizzie.
You roll your eyes as you shake your head, "Oh will you stop it!"
"Elizo, trust me, she drives a nice ass car. She hates it when I do this but it's so nice" Justin says.
As you approach your car, you watch Lizzie's mouth drop open.
"You drive a Volvo!?" Lizzie asks as she walks around your car, inspecting it.
"Yes, yes I do. Our dad is a Volvo car salesman" you say as you pop the trunk to your Volvo XC40.
"Holy shit, this car is beautiful" Lizzie says as she opens the passenger side door and takes a peak inside.
"Alright, alright. Hand me your bags so we can get going" you say as you place your bags into the trunk.
Justin, Lizzie, and the twins make their way to the trunk and hand you their bags so you can load up the trunk. Once the trunk is packed, you jump into the drivers seat and begin your trip down the shore.
"Can I have aux?" Justin asks from the back seat.
"Nope" you say as you keep your attention on the road in front of you.
"Why not" Justin says as he pouts.
"Because you my friend play some weird ass music" you say as you make eye contact with Justin in the rear view mirror.
You watch as Justin crosses his arms and turns his head to look out the window. Lizzie giggles as she sets her phone up to the Bluetooth in your car.
"I'm creating my own profile in your car" Lizzie says as she enters her name into your car.
"That's fine" you say as you quickly smile at Lizzie.
"So Elizo gets aux but not me? I see how it is" Justin says.
"Justin, get used to it. Lizzie is going to be superior for now on."
Justin sticks his tongue out at you as he sees you watching him through the rear view mirror.
"Lizzie actually has excellent music taste" Mary-Kate says.
"Yeah? I'll believe it when I hear it" Justin says defensively.
"Someone's angry" Lizzie says as she turns in her seat to look at Justin.
"Not at you Elizo, I could never be mad at you. I'm mad at someone else" Justin says as he locks eyes with you.
You roll your eyes as you shift your attention back to the road. Lizzie selects one of her playlists and shuffles the songs.
"Telephone by Lady Gaga? Off to a great start Elizo" Justin says.
Mary-Kate playfully smacks Justin on the arm, "I told you she has great music taste."

The things I did
Fanfic(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ