The 3 required hospital stays have gone by. You currently sit in your hospital room with Sarah waiting for discharge planning from Dr. Oakland. In these past 3 days, you have not heard from Lizzie or the twins.
"I still can't believe I haven't heard from the twins at least. That's so unlike them" you say as you sit on the side of the bed, tying your shoe.
"Please don't think too much into this, you have bigger things to worry about" Sarah says as she points to your dressing.
You smile and giggle at Sarah as you lean up from tying your shoes and place your hand on your dressing. According to Dr. Oakland, your wound has been healing excellently, just in time for Lizzie's wedding—which is now 3 weeks away.
Before either of you can say something, Dr. Oakland walks in with discharge planning and care instructions.
"Hello you two, how are we doing?" Dr. Oakland says as he spreads hand sanitizer around his hands.
"Much better now that (Y/N) is going home today. I can't thank you enough for looking out for her" Sarah says as she approaches Dr. Oakland to give him a hug.
"Anything for Johnny's kids. How is your dad doing by the way?" Dr. Oakland says as he places a kiss on Sarah's cheek.
"He's doing well! Really enjoying that Florida weather. I've been trying to get him to come to California for a visit, but Florida has a hold on him" Sarah says with a giggle.
Dr. Oakland shakes his head, "So I've heard. That's all he talks about when I speak to him. He wants ME to go to Florida. I said I'll consider it when he takes a visit to California."
Both Sarah and Dr. Oakland laugh as they talk about your dad. You sit there on the side of the bed waiting for discharge instructions.
"As for you, Ms. (Y/N), for the first week you are expected to stay on bed rest. That means no getting up for anything, only bathroom needs" Dr. Oakland says sternly.
You let out a giggle, "Sorry Sarah, looks like you'll be playing nurse for the week."
Sarah smiles at you, "I've been playing nurse/mom your whole life, this isn't anything new."
Dr. Oakland continues, "After your first week, you can resume light activities like walking. But, we still want you on bed rest, so 80% bed rest and 20% light activities.
You nod your head at Dr. Oakland as he continues on.
"By your third and final week, if everything goes as expected, you can resume everything as if you didn't have this wound."
The mention of the third week makes you think of Lizzie's wedding. Your head drops a little as you know you won't be able to go.
"As far as care wise, keep the dressing clean and dry. If you have to shower, make sure you cover the dressing with Saran Wrap. I'll be prescribing you an antibiotic to also take for the first week while you're home to prevent infection. If the dressing becomes wet or soiled, come back to the hospital and I'll take a look at the wound and change the dressing. If all goes according to plan, at the end of every week I want you back here for a dressing change."
You nod your head in agreement with Dr. Oakland.
"If there's no questions, then you two are free to go. Call me if either of you need anything" Dr. Oakland says as he begins to exit the room.
You turn your head to thank Dr. Oakland as he exits the room. You turn back to look at Sarah with a faint smile.
"Don't think about it. Focus on your recovery, that's all that should matter" Sarah says as she walks towards your bed to help you up.

The things I did
Fanfic(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ