Be Honest

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     "(Y/N), are you almost done?!?" Sarah shouts at you from the couch.

     You quickly grab Becky's phone charger and zip up her bag. You walk out of Becky's room and shut her door.

     "I'm done now. Both Becky and I are packed to go. Speaking of Becky, has anyone heard from her?"

     As you ask this, you hear the door to the apartment open and in walks Becky with Bernie.

     "There you are! I was just asking about you" you say to Becky as she closes the apartment door.

     "Sorry we took so long. Someone was picky about where she peed" Becky says as she points to Bernie.

     Bernie sits in front of you, her tail wagging, begging for pets. You bend down and pet Bernie on the head.

     "Sarah, I hope you realize Bernie will have to come with us. Is that okay?" You ask Sarah who is still watching tv on the couch with Lizzie.

     Sarah's gaze shifts from the tv to you. "Of course that's okay. You know I love dogs."

     You smile at Sarah and say. "Yay! Thank you. Becky, I packed a bag for you and I gathered up the dog food for Bernie."

"You're the best, (Y/N). Thank you" Becky says.

     "Alrighty, is everyone ready to go?" Sarah asks as she turns the tv off and gets up from the couch.

     "I believe so. I'm ready and Becky is ready. Lizzie are you ready to go?" You ask.

     Lizzie nods at you from the couch. With that, you all exit the apartment with Bernie following behind. You head down the stairs and reach the main entrance of the apartment. You pull the keys to Sarah's car out of your pocket and unlock her car. You all walk out the front doors and walk over to Sarah's car. You pop Sarah's trunk and you and Becky place your bags in the trunk. Becky closes the trunk and you step into the driver's seat. Becky opens the back of the car and lets Bernie jump into the back seat. Once Bernie gets settled into the car, Becky takes her seat in the back. Everyone buckles up and you shift into drive and begin your ride down the shore.

"Can I have the aux cord?" Lizzie asks.

     "Only if you'll play good music" you say to Lizzie.

     She looks over at you and smiles at you. "Of course."

     Lizzie turns to face Sarah and Becky to ask for song recommendations but sees Becky and Sarah both passed out in the back seat. Lizzie turns back around to face forward in her seat.

     "Well, it looks like it's going to just be me and you for this car ride" Lizzie says as she plugs her phone in.

     You look up at the rear view mirror and see both Becky and Sarah sleeping in the back. You shake your head and say to yourself 'Must be nice'.

"Any requests, my dear?" Lizzie asks.

     Hearing Lizzie call you 'Dear' sent butterflies throughout your body. You love hearing her call you dear, even if it was the first time she ever did.

     "Hmmm, have you ever heard Sisters of the Moon by Fleetwood Mac?" You ask Lizzie.

     Lizzie looks over at you and shakes her head no.

     "No?!? Oh my god, Lizzie you're missing out. Play the song, that's my song request."

"Your wish is my command."

     Lizzie plays the song and you listen as the song begins to play. A smile instantly grows on your face. Sisters of the Moon wasn't a song you really enjoyed singing to, it was more something you enjoyed listening to. It's a unique song, nothing compared to it.

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