"SUCK IT!" Sarah shouts as she drops the air hockey paddle on the table as the game ends.
You look up at the score that reads 7 to 10, Sarah once again beating you. Sarah walks around the table with her hands in the air, celebrating her victory.
"I can't be beat" Sarah says as she gets in your face.
"Yeah? Alright, let's play Guitar Hero" you say getting in Sarah's face.
"Fine! You've only beaten me once, I got this" Sarah says with a cocky tone.
You follow Sarah over to Guitar Hero where you both scan your arcade cards and pick up the guitars.
"I'm picking the song" you say as you use the guitar to scroll through the songs.
"No way! Winner picks, not loser" Sarah says as she battles with you to pick a song.
You roll your eyes, letting Sarah win, "Fine!"
Sarah selects Same Old Song and Dance by Aerosmith. You are shocked that Sarah has picked this song, you've always scored perfectly on this song.
"Are you sure this is the song you want to go with?" You ask while looking at Sarah.
"Oh yes. I can't wait to beat you at your own song" Sarah says as she keeps her attention on the game.
You turn back to face the game as you prepare while the song loads. As soon as the song loads, you grip the guitar to your comfort. The song begins and both you and Sarah are off to a great start, keeping perfect scores.
Soon Lizzie, Holland, and Justin begin to crowd around you and Sarah at the game.
"Holy shit, have neither of you missed a note!?" Justin asks as he watches you two play.
"Shush. Focusing" Sarah says as she keeps her focus on the screen.
Justin, Lizzie, and Holland continue to watch the two of you intensely play, neither of you missing a note.
You and Sarah continue to play until the song comes to an end, the both of you tying.
"A tie?!" Justin says as he looks at the screen.
You look at Sarah, "Round two?"
Sarah nods her head and scans her card for another round. You follow her actions, scanning your card also.
"You pick the song this time" Sarah says to you.
A smile forms on your face as you scroll through the songs, trying to pick something Sarah didn't know well.
"You little shit" Sarah says as she watches you pick Cult of Personality by Living Colour.
You smile evilly to yourself, knowing Sarah always stumbles up on this song. As the song loads, Lizzie leans into you ear.
"You better beat her" Lizzie says as she pulls you down towards her.
You lean back up, nodding your head at Lizzie, "Don't you worry, I got this. This ones for you, Olsen" you say as you point at Lizzie.
Lizzie smiles as she shakes her head at your goofiness. Once the song loads, you shift your attention back to the game.
You grip your guitar and begin to follow along with the song, hitting all the notes. Becky, Matt, and the twins gather around you and Sarah to watch you play.
"Holy shit, they are like twins" Mary-Kate says as she watches you and Sarah play.
Ashley whispers into Lizzie's ear, "Have either of them messed up?"

The things I did
Fanfiction(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ