Designated Mom

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"Can I get a Mai Tai please?" Lizzie asks the bartender.

The 4 of you stand at the bar in a crowded club on the boardwalk. Sarah, Becky, and Lizzie seem to be enjoying themselves but as for you, you wish you were walking around the boardwalk.

You were agitated and irritated at all the people bumping into you and spilling their drinks on you. This wasn't a fun club to be at if you weren't drunk or close to being drunk—something you were nowhere close to being. You knew Sarah, Becky, and Lizzie all had the intentions of getting drunk at this club, leaving you to be the designated mom.

You watch as the bar tender brings Lizzie her drink and she tips the bar tender. Sarah, Becky, and Lizzie all stood in front of you ordering their drinks and waiting for them to be made. As Lizzie gets her drink, she turns to face you.

"(Y/N)! Aren't you going to get something" Lizzie says as she takes a sip of her drink.

You shake your head at her and say, "I don't think so. This isn't really my typical scene."

"Oh come on, it's not mine either but I want to enjoy the rest of the night with you" she says, looking into your eyes.

You sigh as you scooch past Lizzie to get the bar tenders attention. She walks up to you to take your order.

"Can I have a Malibu Baybreeze please?"

The bartender nods and smiles at you as she turns to make your drink. Lizzie walks up to you and gets close to you, standing behind you.

"Yay! There ya go! Now the real fun starts" Lizzie says as she peaks over your shoulder to look you in the face.

The bartender brings your drink back over and smiles at you. You go to pay the bar tender, as you plan on this being your only drink of the night but she denies your money.

"Oh no don't worry about it, it's on the house" the bar tender says as she pushes your hand back and smiles at you.

You smile back at the bar tender and say, "oh wow, thank you."

"No problem. I must ask, are you here with anyone?"

You can feel Lizzie's mood change quickly at the bar tenders question. You go to answer the bar tender before Lizzie cuts you off.

"Excuse me, but who are you to be flirting with my girlfriend?" Lizzie says as she links her arm with yours and pulls you away from the bar.

As delighted as you were to hear Lizzie say that, you became annoyed with her. You quickly pull your arm away from hers and she quickly turns to look at you.

"What the hell was that, Liz?!" You ask angrily.

"What do you mean? I was saving you from that bar tender" Lizzie says back at you, becoming defensive.

"I don't know what you want with me, but I won't be used so you can figure your feelings out Lizzie. I know what you're doing and I don't want to be apart of that."

Before Lizzie can answer you, you storm out of the club on to the boardwalk and walk away. Part of you hoped Lizzie would come after you, but the other part wanted to be alone. You were confused by Lizzie's intentions and as much as you wanted to be with her, doing so would be messy.

You throw your drink out at the nearest trash can you can find and continue your way down the boardwalk. You stop at a store selling clothes to look around. As you look through the clothes, you feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You pull your phone out from your pocket and see that Lizzie is calling you. You shake your head and deny her call as you continue to look around the store.

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