Let Me Think About It

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     You arrive back home, eager to finally be walking around.

     "Can I sit out by the pool?" You ask Sarah as you both head inside.

     "I guess so, as long as you take it easy" Sarah says as she places her keys on the key rack.

     A smile grows on your face as you get the okay from Sarah. You make your way outside to the pool and see Justin and Becky swimming with Bernie. You pull a lounge chair up close to the edge of the pool so you can talk with Justin and Becky.

     "Hello my darling, how was it?" Holland asks as she approaches Sarah from the kitchen.

     Sarah's attention is fixated on you, making sure you're keeping your activities to a minimum. She's so distracted, that she doesn't hear Holland.

     "Darling?" Holland asks as she grabs Sarah's hand.

     "Oh! I'm Sorry, I didn't hear you" Sarah says as Holland's touch draws her back to reality.

     "How was the appointment?" Holland asks again.

     "It was good! Sean says she's healing well. He tried to get (Y/N) to move to California and work here, but he failed" Sarah says as she lets go of Holland's hand and walks into the kitchen.

     Holland giggles to herself, "If you're not enough of a reason for (Y/N) to move out here, I don't think she ever will."

     "But I think a certain someone can get her out here if she gets her act together" Sarah says as she bites into a carrot and winks at Holland.

     Holland shakes her head, "Sarah, you can't keep pushing that on (Y/N). You see how much it hurts her and Lizzie still has plans to get married! I think at this point, it's a lost cause."

     "See, that's where I disagree with you. I haven't told (Y/N) or you this, but Lizzie has been nagging me about (Y/N). She wants to see (Y/N). But after what happened at the hospital, I told Lizzie she needs to make a decision because this back and forth game can't continue."

     Holland walks into the kitchen and takes a seat at the island, "Why does Lizzie want to see (Y/N) so bad after she just told her she doesn't want to see her?"

     "Because she has feelings for (Y/N)" Sarah says as she leans up against the counter across from Holland.

"Right, and you know this for sure?"

     Sarah nods her head, "Yes, I do. Lizzie told me she does but she also has feelings for Robbie. As to why she still has feelings for him, I do not know."

     Holland let's out a sigh, "I know you love and adore Lizzie, but I don't think she should see (Y/N) for a while."

     "Oh, don't worry, I don't plan on that. Until she tells me the weddings canceled or that she has left Robbie, Lizzie will not be seeing my sister."

     Holland smiles, "Glad we can finally agree on something."

     "Me too" Sarah says as she approaches Holland to give her a kiss.

     Sarah leans into Holland and places a soft kiss on Holland's lips before heading upstairs to change into a bathing suit. As Sarah walks into her room, Lizzie begins to text her.


     Lizzie: Please, Sarah. I really need to see her.

     Sarah: Lizzie, I love you but I don't think that's best right now.

     Lizzie: But why? You know how I feel about her, I just want to see her.

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