"We're bacckkkk!" Sarah says as she opens the front door to the house.
Sarah peaks her head through the front door and sees Justin, Becky, Bernie, and Winnie sitting on the couch in the living room. As Winnie and Bernie hear the front door open, they spring their heads up and begin barking at the door. Once Bernie and Winnie see Sarah walk through the door, they jump off the couch to greet Sarah.
"Oh hello, my darlings" Sarah says as she bends down to greet Bernie and Winnie.
"Sarah, darling, I need you to move out of the door way so (Y/N) and I can walk in" Holland says as she stands behind Sarah, unable to move forward.
Sarah turns her head to see Holland standing directly behind her, "Oh, sorry honey" Sarah says as she moves out of the way.
Once Sarah moves, Holland enters the house with you following behind carrying the luggage.
"(Y/N)!" Justin and Becky say as they get up from the couch to greet you.
As Justin and Becky approach you, you lower the bags to the ground so you can properly greet your friends.
"I can see that someone has missed me" you say as you pull Justin in for a hug.
"I think miss is an understatement" Justin says as he hugs you back.
You laugh at Justin as you pull out of the hug to greet Becky, who is waiting to say her hello.
"Tick tock, some of us would like to say hello also" Becky says as she taps her foot, waiting to hug you.
You roll your eyes, "Oh I'm sorry, I thought I wasn't missed" you say as you hug Becky.
"You were, I just missed Sarah more" Becky says as she hugs you back.
You roll your eyes and pull away from the hug. As Sarah exchanges her hellos with Becky and Justin, you grab yours and Sarah's bags and bring them upstairs. As you place your bag in your room, you hear your phone ding.
Lizzie: How about this?
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You smile to yourself as you read Lizzie's text message, you love that she's asking for your opinion.
You: Wow, that is amazing. That'll look perfect on you.
Lizzie: Thank you :)
Lizzie smiles to herself as she places her phone down on the counter.
"What's that smile for?" Clay asks as he watches Lizzie from the living room.
"I think I know what I want to do with my hair" Lizzie says as she picks her phone back up and walks over to Clay to show him.