It's Time

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"I think I'm gonna be sick" Lizzie says as she sits in the chair while Clay does her hair.

"Oh no honey, if you're gonna throw up, save it for make up" Clay says as he finishes the final touches on Lizzie's hair.

Lizzie giggles to herself at Clay's comment. As Clay finishes up, he holds a mirror up, allowing Lizzie to see the back of her hair.

Lizzie looks into the mirror, "Wow, Clay. I'm speechless. It looks so beautiful, you did such a great job. Thank you."

"Don't thank me, thank (Y/N) for the inspiration" Clay says as he winks.

Lizzie rolls her eyes as she reaches her hand up behind her to smack Clay. Clay quickly moves out of the way before Lizzie's hand hits him.

"You're gonna have to be quicker than that" Clay says as he dodges Lizzie's hand.

"Whatever" Lizzie says as she gets up from the chair.

"Time for make up" Clay says as he points Lizzie in the direction of where her make up team is waiting for her.

Lizzie smiles at Clay as she pulls him in for a hug, "Thank you for making me look amazing on my special day."

Clay smiles as he hugs Lizzie back, "Anything for you, Lizzie."

Lizzie pulls away from the hug and makes her way over to the make up chair. Clay watches Lizzie walk off as he begins to get teary eyed.

"This is going to be the best goddamn wedding" Clay says to himself as he begins to pack up his styling tools.

As Lizzie is getting her make up done, you are scrambling around the house trying to get ready.

"WHERE IS MY MAKE-UP BAG?!?" You scream in your room as you search for it.


"I DON'T KNOW! MAYBE BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS LET YOURSELF IN MY ROOM" you shout back at Sarah, who is getting ready in her room at the end of the hall.

"AND WHOSE HOUSE IS THIS?" Sarah says as she snaps back at you.

"DO NOT EVEN GO THERE RIGHT NOW" you say as you begin to become frustrated.

Sarah storms out of her room and walks into your room, "(Y/N), what is going on! Why are you freaking out!"

"I can't find my make-up bag!" You answer Sarah with panic in your voice.

"But why does that matter! You can use my make-up!" Sarah says back to you, copying your tone.

"No, I need my make-up because I brought specific make-up to wear to this fucking stupid wedding" you say as you lower yourself to your bed, covering your face with your hands as you become frustrated.

Sarah sighs as she knows you're lashing out because you are nervous for the wedding.

"(Y/N)... it's okay. Everything is going to be okay" Sarah says as she joins you on your bed.

"No it's not! Nothing is going to be okay. I'm going to watch the girl of my dreams marry an asshole" you say as you pull your hands down from your face.

Sarah places her hand on your back, moving her hand up and down, "I don't want you to be so worked up. Maybe you shouldn't go."

You sigh as you slouch down, "I know but she wants me there."

"I know you care about Lizzie but sometimes you need to put your own needs first" Sarah says as she continues to rub your back.

"No, it's okay. I'll be okay. I just need to find my make-up bag" you say as you get up from your bed and resume looking.

At this point, Sarah can tell you're on the verge of a break down. She can tell by your actions, your tone of voice, but most importantly she can tell because you're her sister.

"(Y/N), take a deep breath before you overwhelm yourself too much" Sarah says as she gets up from the bed, following you around your room.

You begin to take a few deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. You begin to panic, nothing seems to be working. That is until Sarah pulls you close to her, forcing you to match your breathing with hers.

As Sarah holds you close to her, neither of you say anything. You focus solely on her breathing. It helped to keep your mind off the wedding and distract yourself from the panic attack that was rising. As you begin to calm down, Sarah let's you go, placing her hands on either side of your face.

"You can borrow my make-up" Sarah whispers as she places a kiss on your forehead.

You smile at Sarah as she drops her hands from your face and goes to retrieve her make-up bag. Before you know it, she's already back in your room handing you everything you need.

"Here you go" Sarah says as she hands you her make-up bag.

You smile to Sarah as you mouth 'Thank you'. You walk over to your bathroom and start applying the make-up.

     "How is she doing?" Holland asks as Sarah walks back into their bedroom.

    "I don't know, I can tell she is stressed" Sarah says as she sits herself down on the bed.

     "That makes sense. We just have to be there for her today" Holland says as she finishes the final touches of her make-up.

     "I know, I just hope she enjoys herself at least" Sarah says.

     "Knowing your sister, she'll find a way" Holland says as she giggles.

     Sarah laughs at Holland's comment, knowing it is very true. You always knew how to make the best of any situation, no matter how uncomfortable you feel.

     "Thank you, I'm done" you say as you walk into Sarah and Holland's room, handing Sarah her make-up bag.

     Sarah grabs her make-up bag from your hand, "See! You still look amazing. Even if you had to use my make-up."

     You smile and giggle to yourself over how ridiculous you were being before.

     "IS EVERYONE READY?" Justin shouts from down stairs.

     "JUST ABOUT!" You shout back from Sarah and Holland's room.

    "I guess that means it's time to go" Sarah says as she gets up from her bed.

You give Sarah a weak smile, "I guess so."

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