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     "Let me drive the boat" Ashley says as she stands next to Justin, grabbing the steering wheel.

     Justin pushes Ashley to the side with his hip, "No frickin way. You need your boating license and you do not have that honey."

     Ashley swings her head back as she stomps her foot on the ground in frustration, "Ugh, no one's gonna know!"

     "Oh yes they will! If the coast guard pulls you over while you're driving the boat, we are all screwed" Justin says with a chuckle.

     "I think the chances of us getting pulled over by the coast guard are very slim" Ashley says arguing back.

     "You'd be surprised. The coast guard doesn't mess around and boating violations are very strict. Sorry honey" Justin says, mocking Ashley as he pouts.

     Ashley crosses her arms as she sticks her tongue out at Justin and walks to the front of the boat to join her sister, Mary-Kate.

     "I told you he wouldn't let you drive it" Mary-Kate says as she sips her wine.

     "It was worth a shot" Ashley says as she lays out on the seat next to her sister.

     "Be careful you four!" Sarah shouts at you, Lizzie, Becky, and Matt from the boat.

     "We will! I know what I'm doing" you say as you start up your jetski.

     "Do you know what you're doing?" Lizzie asks as her arms grip tightly to your waist.

     "Kinda, I've only used this a few times" you say to Lizzie.

     Lizzie shakes her head, "I can't believe this is how I'm going to die."

"Oh shush you, stop being so dramatic."

     "Matt, are you ready to go?" You ask Matt, who is on the other jetski with Becky.

     Matt gives you a thumbs up as he starts up the jetski. You give Sarah a thumbs up, signaling you are ready to go.

     "Okay Justin, they are ready whenever you are" Sarah says as she keeps her attention on the 4 of you.

     "Alrighty then, everyone find a seat and relax until we get out to the bay" Justin says as he begins to steer the boat away from the dock.

     As Justin pulls away from the dock, you and Matt lightly squeeze the throttle to follow the boat out to the bay.

     "How long does it take us to get out to the bay?" Lizzie asks as she loosens her grip on your waist.

     "About 10 minutes. While in the lagoon we can't go over 5 mph, so you can relax" you say to Lizzie as you keep your attention on the water in front of you.

     You feel Lizzie remove her hands from around your waist as she relaxes into the Jetski seat you two are sharing. Lizzie takes her phone out from the waterproof bag you have to take a picture of you two.

     "Smile" Lizzie says as she reaches her arm out in front of you.

     You lean slightly back into Lizzie smiling into the camera as she takes pictures of you two. Using her other hand, Lizzie pulls your face closers to hers as she places a kiss on your cheek and quickly snaps a picture.

     "Awwwh, that ones cute" Lizzie says as she brings her phone back to her and studies the pictures.

     "Here, I'll take a picture of you two" Becky says, who is riding next to you.

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