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After a long day spent on Long Beach Island, the 9 of you all sit around the bonfire discussing your days.

"I still can't believe Mary-Kate fell in the water when we were at the light house" Ashley says between fits of giggles.

"Shut it!" Mary-Kate says as she slaps her sister in the stomach.

Ashley guards her stomach from Mary-Kate's arm as she blocks the hit while trying to contain her laughter.

"I can't- can't stop laughing. It- it was so fun- funny" Ashley says as she tries to catch her breath.

Mary-Kate places her hand on Ashley's chair and pushes it backwards, causing Ashley to fall backwards out of her chair.

"That's what you get!" Mary-Kate says as she watches her sister fall to the ground.

Ashley lays on the ground, continuing to hold her stomach as she laughs even more.

"Jokes on you, that was actually fun" Ashley says from the ground.

Mary-Kate rolls her eyes as she crosses her arms and brings her attention back to the group.

"You two surely are sisters" Justin says as he observes the twins interact.

Lizzie, who is sitting next to Justin, extends her arm out towards Justin and slaps him on the arm, "Hey! I'm also their sister!"

Justin leans his body away from Lizzie as he attempts to guard his arm from Lizzie's hit, "Yes, I know that by all the hitting you Olsen girls do."

Lizzie giggles as she shrugs her shoulders, looking over at Mary-Kate who shakes her head as a slight giggles escapes from her lips.

"Oh please, you're just jealous that you aren't apart of this trio" Ashley says while laying on the ground.

"Maybe I am a little jealous, but maybe I'm thankful I'm not apart of it" Justin says as he looks down at Ashley.

"Uh, rude!" Lizzie says as she goes to hit Justin again in the arm.

"SEE THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!" Justin shouts as he defends himself from Lizzie.

You lean your head into your hands as you laugh at the interaction taking place, not surprised to see it happening.

"Oh enough, you guys make me feel like the mother" Sarah says trying to break up all the hitting.

"That's because you are the mom" you say as you look up at Sarah.

"Yeah, maybe your mom but not everyone else's" Sarah says back to you.

"I'm sorry, but you are 100% the designated mom of the group" Becky says as she looks at Sarah.

"Well I didn't sign up for it, how do I leave the position?"

You giggle at Sarah, "You cant, it's been given to you by the group."

"Given to me! I don't want it, take it back!" Sarah says, slightly raising her voice.

You continue to laugh at Sarah, "Unfortunately that's not how these things work."

"Well you better make it work!" Sarah says as she crosses her arms.

"Oh my god, changing the subject. Did everyone enjoy the sunset?" Holland asks, trying to ease the tension.

You look over at Lizzie with a smile as you think about your time at the light house. Lizzie places her elbow on the armrest of her chair as she uses her arm to support her head. She smiles back at you as she knows what you're thinking about.

"Should we tell them?" You ask Lizzie loud enough for only her to hear.

Lizzie nods her head, "Sure, why not."

You turn back to face the group, "Lizzie and I had a great time watching the sunset."

Justin flashes you a face of disgust, "Don't tell me you guys fucked."

You return the same disgusted look as you throw your half full water bottle at Justin. At the same time, Lizzie leans over towards Justin and smacks him on the arm.

"OKAY, THIS IS NOT FAIR!" Justin shouts as he is ambushed by you and Lizzie.

"You asked for it! You and your dirty mind" Lizzie says.

"What!? Me?! Dirty minded!? Look who's talking!" Justin says to Lizzie.

Before Lizzie can respond, you grab Matt's water bottle and chuck it right at Justin.

"Owe!" Justin says as he brings his hand to cover the area of his face where the water bottle hit him.

"Stop being an ass" you say to Justin.

Justin crosses his arms as he sinks into his seat and mumbles to himself.

"Anyways, Lizzie and I did enjoy our time watching the sunset. To clarify for our dirty minded folks, we did not hook up" you say as you stare Justin down.

"No, we didn't. But, (Y/N) did ask me to be her girlfriend and I said yes" Lizzie says as she reaches over to you and grabs your hand.

You smile at Lizzie as you feel her grab your hand. You are so thankful that she is finally yours.

"Wait, you guys weren't dating before?" Becky asks.

"Well, we never actually made it official until today" you say to Becky, explaining the situation.

"Oh, after the wedding I just assumed you two were together" Matt says as he points at you and Lizzie.

"I know it may seem that way, but now we are officially together" Lizzie says trying to clarify.

"So you weren't together before?" Becky asks as she leans forward in her chair to get a better look at you and Lizzie.

You turn to Lizzie, "Holy shit, they are like a match made in heaven."

Lizzie nods her head, "I don't know how you deal with it sometimes."

You turn back to face Becky, "Okay, let me break this down for you. At the wedding, although it may have seemed Lizzie and I were together, we actually weren't. Even after the wedding, we weren't together. But today, we made it official. Do you understand?"

"I do but weren't you two gettin it on after the wedding? Weren't you together then?" Becky asks, confused by the situation.

You sigh as you drop your face to look down, "I'm done, I give up."

"Yeah, that was pretty painful to listen to" Justin says, chiming in.

     "What? I don't get it!" Becky says becoming frustrated.

     You stand up from your seat and turn to Lizzie, "Alright my darling! I've had enough. Would you like to join me to bed?" You ask as you extend your hand out to Lizzie.

     Lizzie grabs your hand with a smile, "Look at this, my hero rescuing me" she says as she stands up and places a kiss on your cheek.

     "Frick you guys" Becky says as she crosses her arms in frustration.

      You and Lizzie walk hand in hand back into the house, sharing moments of laughter.

     "As gross as they are, they are pretty cute together" Justin says as he watches you two walk into the house.

     "Wow? Justin praising Lizzie and (Y/N)? Are you feeling okay?" Mary-Kate jokingly asks.

     "Shut up, they will never hear those words leave my mouth" Justin says as he stares Mary-Kate down.

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