"And we know this for sure?" Sarah asks as she listen to you and the twins explain Lizzie's actions.
"Well, we don't know for sure but it's what makes the most sense" you say to Sarah.
After you and the twins discovered the potential truth to Lizzie's actions, you 3 went to tell everyone about your suspicion.
"Okay, what do we do now?" Becky asks as she looks up at you.
You shake your head, "I don't know. We didn't think that far in advance. But is there really anything we can do?"
You watch as a wave of sadness washes takes over the twins.
"I don't think there's anything we can do. I mean, she threatened us - her own sisters. That crosses the line. If she won't listen to us, she won't listen to anyone" Mary-Kate says as she lowers her head with defeat.
You all sit there in silence as you take in the harsh truth. The truth that there is nothing either of you could do to try and help Lizzie. Regardless of how bad things may get, she would always choose Robbie.
"What I don't understand is why she keeps going back to him when it's obvious he's no good" Holland says.
Ashley let's out a sigh, "Because when things get bad like this, he'll do something nice for her and things will be good between them for a short time. But then things will get bad again and they enter this cycle, this cycle that she can't seem to break."
Sarah looks over at Ashley with a concerned look, "This has happened before?"
"Well, this is the first that I've seen where there was some physical altercations. Most of the time it's just them yelling at each other. But that still doesn't make it okay" Ashley says.
You shake your head as you get up from the couch and begin to walk away. Everyone watches as you get up.
"Where are you going?" Sarah asks as she watches you walk away.
"Back to my room" you say as you make your way over to the stairs.
"Why? This is a serious conversation" Sarah says as she becomes annoyed with your attitude.
"A serious conversation that is not my business" you say as you walk up the stairs.
Before anyone can say something to you, you shut the door to your room and crawl back into bed. You tuck yourself back under the covers and resume your show and continue to eat your Doritos.
"They can handle it. She's not my problem anymore" you say as you grab a handful of Doritos.
Back downstairs, everyone looks at each other in disbelief.
"What has gotten into her? Why doesn't she care?" Mary-Kate asks the group.
"I guess she's tired of Elizo's bullshit" Justin says, defending you.
"That's enough. This is a sticky situation and we are not going to be choosing sides. Lizzie needs our help and if (Y/N) doesn't want to be apart of it, then so be it" Sarah says, stepping in before a fight begins.
"There is no situation. There's nothing we can do to help. No matter what we do, she will refuse the help" Ashley says with a defeated look.
While the others sit around defeated, you get an unwanted text.
*buzz buzz* You feel your phone go off next to you. You reach to grab your phone and see that you have a text message from an unknown number.

The things I did
Fanfiction(Y/N)'s life changes forever when she meets the woman who makes her want to love again. Lizzie x fem reader ᗢ SLOW BURN ᗢ MATURE ᗢ