S2 E39: Juliette

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**IMPORTANT** Before you read this, I added two more scenes to the last chapter. Please read it and come back. They're significant to the story. They've been out for quite some time now, but it's for the people who last read it the day it was first published. Also, it is important to know that because this story takes place in Paris, France, the characters are speaking French, and employing myself, Juliette, as an American character, I speak mostly English. The communication between the other characters and myself can be a bit tricky. However, the way it's written, there will be little reason to look up/ translate any French phrases. My French readers can feel free to laugh at Juliette's horrible attempts at speaking the language. :)

WARNING: Epilepsy and seizures are included in this chapter.

P. S. Adrien wanted to make a Picrew of us together to make up for the lack of pictures in this chapter so I'll place it at the top (even though it looks nothing like us). Now, I welcome you to the last and final chapter of Emotional Support :)


Several months later that summer, Adrien had a special encounter during an outing with his friends. As the group was heading towards the cinema, the blond felt a sudden weight on his back as a he heard a very Americanized female voice shout his name. It took him all of two seconds to recognize the distinct single-armed hug and childish giggle before he gasped and turned around to see a very short-statured girl with coiled hair, frizzy from excitement and the humidity. She had a limp in her step hand had a bad habit of leaning to the right as she stood. Her left arm was stiff and bent at the elbow, only becoming tighter as she bounced with elation.

"Juliette?" Adrien blinked before becoming excited himself as he pulled the girl close. "Juliette!"

The blond greeted her with French kisses which caught her off guard as it was not something she was accustomed to, but smiled sweetly at him nonetheless.

"So you going to introduce us or...?" Chloé asked, placing a hand on her hip.

"Oh, yes!" Adrien held the girl's shoulder. "This is my friend, Juliette! From Instagram, remember?"

"Oh..." Marinette spoke with a rising pit of jealousy. "Yeah, I remember."

"I honestly didn't think you still talk to her," Nino shrugged. "You haven't mentioned her in ages."

Alya elbowed her boyfriend's side at the unintentionally rude comment. "Babe! You can't say that in front of her."

"Relax, Fox," Chloé told her. "She can't understand French, right?"

Everyone looked to the rather confused girl before them. Adrien chuckled and patted her back. He tried his best to speak in English for her. "My friends. Chloé, Nino, Alya."

Juliette waved and smiled.

"My..." Adrien continued with struggle. "uh, how do you say... more friend? Um, partner!"

"More than a friend? Partner?" Juliette blinked and thought for a moment. "The word is girlfriend, Adrien."

"Oui!" Adrien smiled, pointing to the pigtailed girl. "Marinette is girlfriend!"

Juliette looked towards Marinette with a unidentifiable expression. Marinette questioned what was being said between them and did not like how affectionate this girl had become with her boyfriend. It felt like she was flirting with him. But then Juliette broke into a smile and went to hug her as well.

"Oh my God, she's literally adorable!" she squeaked. "I so ship it! Hold on!"

Juliette quickly pulled away from the very perplexed Marinette and brought her to stand next to Adrien. She backed up and gushed at how cute they were together. Although no one could understand what Juliette was saying, the group found it quite humorous. Marinette now understood that Juliette was not flirting with Adrien; she was just affectionate with everyone. It was also clear that she shipped Adrinette just as much as the rest of Paris.

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