S1 E2: Stay With Me

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Today was it; the day everything was about to change; the day Marinette was going to begin her job, hanging out with the love of her life. She was so excited and nervous all at the same time and apparently it was extremely noticeable.

"Girl, what is up with you today?" Alya asked, pulling the pigtailed girl out of her scattered thoughts.

"Oh, I, uh, got a job and I start today after school," Marinette said cautiously. "Guess I'm a little nervous?"

She hated the thought of everyone, especially Adrien, knowing that she accepted such an offer. It would break her heart if he thought she was only hanging out with him for the money.

"A job? Working for who?"

Marinette stared down at the blond, praying he doesn't hear her next words. She leaned close to Alya and whispered to her ear. "Gabriel Agreste."

"You mean Adrien's father?!" Alya nearly shouted.

Adrien's head shot up at the mention of his father, and he, as well as Nino, curiously looked back at the two girls.

"My father? What about him?"

Alya smiled widely, slinging an arm around Marinette's neck. "This girl somehow landed a job with Gabriel freaking Agreste!"

"Alya!" Marinette's complexion darkened as she removed her friend's arm from around her.

Nino gave her the thumbs up. "That's so cool, Marinette!"

"A job for my father?" Adrien put a finger to his chin. "I wonder why I haven't heard of it."

"I-I, well, it j-just happened last night," Marinette started. "You see, it's my mom's birthday in a week and I wanted to buy her this dress, and I couldn't afford it. But then he showed up and offered me a job so I can afford the dress. Heh."

"Oh, cool." Adrien smiled. "So, what exactly are you doing for him?"

"I bet she's designing!" Alya shook Marinette's shoulders. "It's totally designing, right?"

Marinette averted her eyes. "No, no, nothing like that."

"Then what?" Alya asked.

"I... um... well..." Marinette stammered, struggling to find a way to explain without revealing too much. "He wants me to help him take care of something important to him because he... doesn't have the time to see to it himself."--They all seemed confused so Marinette continued-- "I honestly think it's a little silly. I shouldn't be paid to do such a thing, but I guess you can't really refuse Gabriel Agreste."

Alya raised her eyebrow. "Stop being so cryptic and just tell us what you're doing."

Everyone could tell how flustered Marinette was getting and fell silent.

"Marinette?" Adrien asked, his emerald eyes brimming with concern.

"I... will tell you later, Adrien, okay?"

Adrien gave her a baffled nod. "Okay."

"What? And not us?" Alya said, referring to herself and Nino.

"Yes! Y-Yes, I will! Don't worry," Marinette stammered. "Tomorrow. I just want to see how this goes first..."

Alya nodded, not wanting to pester her best friend any longer. Adrien wouldn't stop staring at her with pure worry and curiosity, which made her noticeably uncomfortable as she hid her face in a textbook. Adrien realized he'd stared for too long and muttered a quick apology before turning back around to take notes.

The day went by rather quickly, aside from the dreadfully long side glances Marinette would  receive from Adrien every now and again. When she got home, she finished her homework quickly before helping her parents in the bakery.

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