S1 E11: Moving Too Fast?

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Adrien woke up even before his alarm sounded the next morning. All he could think about was seeing his pigtailed friend at school. He wanted to ask her if it was him that upset her last night, or rather that boy she was in love with. Unbeknownst to him, they were the same person. For some strange reason, he felt the need to know more about this other boy. Who was he? His best guess was Luka, given how fond they seem of each other. However, he thought it was better not to jump to conclusions.

To Adrien's misfortune, Marinette was nowhere to be found inside the school. She wasn't searching through her locker. She wasn't sketching on the staircase. And she wasn't sitting at the desk behind him when he got to class. Adrien sighed. Where was she?

"Looking for Marinette, Adrien?"

Adrien turned to the bespectacled, auburn-haired girl behind him and nodded. "Yeah, Alya. Do you know where she is?"

"She didn't text me she was calling in a sick day or something, so she probably just overslept," Alya told him. "I wouldn't worry about it."

Adrien put a finger to his chin. "If Marinette is still sleeping, then maybe I should wake her up."

Alya and Nino watched, amused, as the blond pulled out his phone and called Marinette.


Marinette was, as Alya predicted, still fast asleep. She went under a lot of emotional stress last night and just wanted to sleep it off. However, she and Tikki were startled awake as Adrien's ringtone blasted into her ears.

 However, she and Tikki were startled awake as Adrien's ringtone blasted into her ears

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She answered the call, holding the phone to her ear.


The phone rang a few times before Adrien heard her pick up, and put her on speaker so Alya and Nino could hear.

"Hey, Mari."

Marinette whined tiredly. "Adriennnn.... Why did you have to wake me up so early?" She yawned. "You tired me out yesterday, you know."

Adrien chuckled. "Marinette, it's not early. Check the time."

"Yeah, girl." Alya laughed. "Class stars in fifteen minutes!"

Marinette gasped, checking the time on her phone. "Oh, crud! You're right!"

"See you soon, Marinette. Love you," Adrien says.

"Yeah." Marinette panted as she ran down the stairs. "Love you too. Bye."

Adrien ended the call and put his phone back in his bag, receiving odd looks from his friends. "What?"

"Did you and Marinette just say 'I love you' to each other?" Nino asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, but just as friends," Adrien replied.

Alya gaped at Adrien. "Okay, what the heck happened yesterday?"

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