S2 E32: Miraculous Law

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The crime fighting duo glided over Paris' striking architecture and towards the sunlight. Hand in hand, they dropped into a crevice between Chan's Massage Shop and the neighboring building.

"Claws in."

"Spots off."

"Why'd you hide?" Plagg asked as he zipped out of his ring and into Adrien's hands. "Literally everyone knows now."

Adrien shrugged. "Guess it was just old habits."

"No, it wasn't for nothing," Tikki interrupted. "There are secrets still to be kept."

"She's right," Marinette added. "Our identities are one thing, but the the secret of Great Guardians is another."

Adrien and Plagg nodded.

"You ready?" Marinette asked them all.

Adrien exhaled, squeezing her hand, as they entered the building.

"Master?" The girl called into the main room.

The old man, disrupted from his prayers, widened his eyes at a voice longed to be heard. He sprung up and turned to face the direction on the voice, freezing at the sight of his chosen Ladybug, alive and well.

"M-Marinette?" the master nearly started hyperventilating. "Y-You're alive?" He settled his breathing, smiling softly. "You're okay."

Marinette smiled widely. "I sure am!"

She was just as sweet and cheery as ever. Fu then brought his attention to Adrien's look of uncertainty and remembered he'd tried to take away something precious to them. Marinette must have heard them while in her coma, or received the information from Adrien. Either way, Marinette was sure to know of his unforgivable actions back at the hospital. Trying to take away their miraculous and their kwamis, and having such little faith in Marinette's survival. Yet, somehow, here she is, very alive, and smiling at him. The old man wobbled backwards in confusion.

"M-Marinette, I am so sorry." he began. "I-I never should've tried to..."

The bluebell-eyed girl tilted her head before shaking it. Before the master knew it, Marinette had gotten on her knees to his level and wrapped her arms around him. "All is forgiven, Master."

Tears filled Fu's eyes. "But I..."

"You have dedicated your life to the miraculous." Marinette started, her voice soft and tender. "You were only doing what you were taught when you were fourteen. And you were bearing your own grief when I was spiraling between life and death. A part of you, selfishly, yet understandably, wanted Tikki's presence as comfort, just like Adrien had. But it's okay now. I promise."

Master Fu finally brought himself to return the girl's hug, as he hesitantly let out a sob. Marinette gasped slightly as it was unexpected, but then sighed. It may have seemed like he didn't have any regards to Adrien or the kwamis' feelings, but in truth, he was just struggling to deal with his own. Being a Great Guardian grants an extended life. However, in that life, much like the kwamis, loved ones must have come and gone, Ladybugs and Cat Noirs, friends. It must be something that never gets easier to handle.

Adrien, who'd only been staring at the floor, found himself beginning to sympathize with the master. He'd once again been oblivious to the way someone else was feeling. Yet, Marinette always knew. She saw through everyone. Maybe that's why she could always forgive in a heartbeat. She'd genuinely empathize with the opposing party, and never allows anyone to be in pain in vain. He wished to be more like her. So, he decided he could be. The blond knelt beside the master and hugged him as well.

"I... I-I'll forgive you, too."

Tikki's lip wobbled. "You... You just wanted me to..." Tikki whimpered loudly and landed on the master's head. "I'm sorry I got so mad..."

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