S2 E28: Dear Diary

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Sabine and Tom took Adrien to the bakery. As soon as they entered, Adrien fell, face first, onto the couch. His lip quivered, but he bit back sobs, suddenly regaining his need to contain his tears. He felt horrible, realizing how selfish he'd been. Besides, he'd been crying so much his eyes hurt, and he just wanted to stop. The kwamis settled against him, curled up together.

Tom and Sabine exchanged saddened expressions before nodding and heading in different directions; Sabine to Adrien and Tom to the kitchen.

"Tom's going to heat up some leftovers, okay?" Sabine motioned for Adrien to get up for a moment so she could sit down. She allowed him to rest in her lap and the kwamis relocated to her shoulder. "Up for Chinese?"

Adrien nodded. "I-I like anything you guys make." Then, he whimpered, rolling onto his side and hiding his face in her stomach. "I-I'm sorry I was being a jerk before..."

Adrien was still upset about that? Well, it wouldn't be Adrien if he wasn't.

Sabine shook her head, rubbing his side. "Oh, sweetie, don't worry about that now. You were just upset."

Adrien sniffled, turning on his back to look at her again. "Okay..."

"Come on." Sabine gestured for him to sit up. "Go take a shower. Marinette makes a ton of clothes for all genders and sizes. I'll find something for you."

Adrien nodded. The two headed upstairs, the kwamis trailing swiftly behind.

"The bathroom is to your left."

Adrien nodded. "Coming, Plagg?"

"Yeah..." The black kwami sighed, his ears drooping as he followed Adrien. "...I hate baths."


After his shower, Adrien dressed himself in a sweat outfit that was a bit big, but he didn't mind. It felt like a hug and Marinette's scent was all over it.

"Pretty sure the lady is supposed to wear your clothes, not the other way around," Plagg joked, hoping to get a positive response from Adrien, but he only shrugged.

"Marinette used to say she was the boy in our relationship," Adrien said finally, even smiling a bit.

Plagg smiled as well, patting his head. They exited the bathroom and Tikki flew up to them.

"Now that you don't smell like rotten cheese and a hospital bathroom," She kissed Adrien's cheek which lifted his spirit for just a moment, and hugged Plagg, quickly flying back a bit. "You... still smell like rotten cheese..."

"Yup!" Plagg spoke with upmost confidence. "This smell is forever, Sugar Cube."

Tikki rolled her eyes, folding her tiny arms. "I shouldn't expect otherwise. Oh, if we weren't bound by destiny..."

"What?" Plagg used his tail to pull his counterpart closer to him. "You think you could find a better soulmate than me?"

"Easily," Tikki teased. "Remember my crush in the 1800s?"

Plagg's features darkened. "Please, Sass is one of my best friends, but if he thinks he can get between me and my sugar cube, he's got another thing coming! Besides, he's been with Pollen for like, what, eight cycles?"

"You know dang well you used to have a thing for other kwamis too." Tikki simpered, slipping out from his tail. She coughed. "Longg."

Plagg blushed deeply. "Tikki! N-Not in front of my kid!"

Adrien blinked before face palming himself, reddening a bit. "Is that what Marinette and I looked like?" He shook his head. "Never mind. I'm glad you two are feeling better." He placed them on his head, and began heading downstairs. "Also, Plagg... I have questions."

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