S2 E3: In Love with Gabriel

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Gabriel looked in the mirror and straightened his tie. "Alright, everyone, I'm off to a meeting!"

As soon as the words left his lips, everyone in the home, in different directions, came rushing to to the elder Agreste.

Adrien pouted. "But we just got here."

Gabriel laughed, patting his son's head. "I don't make the schedule, Adrien."

"When will you be back?" Marinette asked.

"Late. You'll have to eat dinner without me," Gabriel replied. "I'll see you later."

Marinette smiled, though she was disappointed. She understood why Adrien was always so sad and frustrated. Gabriel was always so busy, and although it hadn't been an hour since their arrival in Pau, he was already called for a meeting. Marinette hoped for some quality family time on this stay.

"Why wasn't I notified about this meeting, sir?" Nathalie spoke up. "Aren't I coming with you?"

"I thought I'd give you the night off." Gabriel adjusted his tie once more. "You work so hard, and I can manage on my own."

Nathalie seemed unsure. "Are you certain?"

Gabriel nodded. "Yes, yes. Stay with the kids. Make sure they go to sleep in their own rooms."

Marinette and Adrien exchanged glances, giggling with reddened cheeks.

Gabriel then continued to fidget with his tie as it just wouldn't stay straight. "Godda.... this won't... if it could just..."

Nathalie face palmed herself. This was so unlike Gabriel. It was embarrassing. "May I?"

"Yes, please." Gabriel spoke without skipping a beat.

Nathalie undid and retied the tie completely before looking up at him with a teasing grin

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Nathalie undid and retied the tie completely before looking up at him with a teasing grin. "You can manage without me, you say?"

Gabriel blinked. He hadn't heard such a tone of voice from his assistant in quite some time. She was typically as professional and serious as he was. But Gabriel thought it suited her well. He found himself slightly anxious, as well as confused, and quickly stepped backwards.

"Uh.." he chuckled nervously, looking away from her. "I love you kids. See you later. Bye." He hugged both Marinette and Adrien, who didn't even have time to return it as Gabriel left so quickly.

"Love you, too...?" They said in unison and utter perplexity.

Nathalie sighed, mumbling undetectable whispers beneath her breath, as she shook her head and walked away.

Marinette, who was a bit more perceptive than the bubbly blond beside her, let her eyes shift a few times between Nathalie and the door in which Gabriel had just left. Then she put the pieces together and came to the realization, her eyes widening slightly.

"So, Mari," Adrien smiled brightly, "what should we do tonight? It's only about five."

Not taking her eyes away from Nathalie, Marinette nodded, pushing Adrien towards the staircase. "Uh, yeah, sure. Why don't you go find something for us to do? I want to talk to Nathalie."

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