S2 E31: Reunited

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Marinette stared at Adrien, searching for validation in his eyes to confirm his words. When she found nothing but truth, tears slowly gathered in her eyes. No way that could be true. Gabriel could be a bit cold, but he truly loved her and Adrien. Nathalie loved them too. Didn't they? She spoke to them on the phone just a few moments ago. They seemed so happy to hear from her. Was that all fake?


The bluebell-eyed girl was pulled from her thoughts as she met Adrien's eyes once again. It was if she was not in control of herself as she broke down into uncontrollable sobs. Her father attempted to comfort her, but she violently shrugged his hand off her shoulder.


Sabine tried as well but Marinette shied away, shaking her head with her eyes shut tight and whimpered as she hugged herself with her knees to her chest.

Plagg attempted to fly up and hug her cheek, given his purring has proven to calm down both chosens before. However, Tikki stopped him.

"But, Sugar Cube..."

Tikki shook her head. "She won't accept our comfort right now. Her parents already tried." She pulled her counterpart back to the bed. "Comfort me instead?"

Plagg nodded, holding Tikki close to him, and purring softly.

Adrien hesitated before running his hands up and down Marinette's arms. "Mari, look at me! Mari, it's okay!"

She winced at first before she calmed a bit, opening her eyes to look at him.

"I-I'm so sorry, A-Adrien," Marinette sobbed, holding his cheek

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"I-I'm so sorry, A-Adrien," Marinette sobbed, holding his cheek. "I shouldn't even be this upset... They're your parents..."

Adrien placed his hand over hers. "Oh, Marinette, they were important to you too."

Marinette nodded, sobbing into her hands. "I-I love them..."

"Me..." Adrien shook his head. "Gosh, me too, Marinette... I love my parents..."

It was the first time since the revelation of Hawk Moth and Mayura that Adrien was able to refer to them as his parents. He didn't want to admit having any relation to villains who caused the people he loved, and all of Paris for that matter, so much hardship. However, after Marinette confessed to still loving them after their wrong doings, allowed him to believe it was okay to feel the same.

Adrien brought himself behind her on the bed and held his arms out. "Come here, chouchou."

Marinette looked up at him questioningly, catching a tear before it left his eye.

"Quit it." He shied away. "There have been so many times I've needed to cry to you... I just want to be a man for once and comfort my girl."

Marinette couldn't bring herself to argue as she tossed herself into his chest and sobbed into his shirt.

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