S2 E2: It's A Date

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Adrien knocked on Marinette's bedroom door. "Hey, Mari... Can I come in?"


The blond frowned, pressing his palm and forehead against the door. "Please?"

Despite not being able to see him, Marinette could feel his baby doll eyes drilling at her through the door. Marinette quickly opened the door only for Adrien to fall forward on her, his hand landing on her chest. She squeaked and Adrien jumped away from her, beet red. Milky, getting startled, jumped over Adrien's head.

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

Marinette grabbed the panicking boy's shoulders. "Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. It's okay. I know you'd never do it on purpose."

Adrien nodded. "I-I really wouldn't!"

"I know," Marinette said calmly, before her voice became harsh and she turned away, folding her arms. "What did you want?"

"I wanted to—Come here, Kitty." Adrien managed to pry the frightened cat off his head and cradled her in his arms. "I wanted to apologize. I'm sorry for making you believe Milky was another girl. It's just that I never had someone to care for me so much, that they'd get jealous because I love someone else too. I like it when you love me, Marinette."

"Adrien, you idiot." Marinette face palmed herself. "There are so many better ways to get me to show my love for you."

"I know..." Adrien bowed his head in shame. "Can you show me that love now?"

"Yeah," Marinette sighed, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I forgive you."

She began to play with his hair, making him close his eyes and relax completely. Then, she just stopped to which he opened his eyes and knitted his eyebrows.

"No, wait, can you keep doing that?"

"Nope." Marinette giggled at the boy's exaggerated pout. "Can I hold Milky?"

Adrien nodded, handing the cat to her. "Sure."

"Aw! Ma petit chatonne! So precious!" Marinette cuddled Milky, to which she purred against her cheek. "Oh, you might even be more affectionate than that blond kitten over there!"

Adrien shook his head. "She's not more affectionate than me!" He pouted. "I want her back."

When Adrien attempted to take Milky, she whined and clung to Marinette's shirt.

Marinette laughed. "Doesn't look like she wants you back, though!"

Adrien blinked. He'd always been Milky's favorite person, besides Edna. It surprised him that she'd get so attached to someone she'd just met.

"Wow, Mari..." Adrien chuckled. "Looks like your a real cat whisperer."

Marinette giggled. "Of course! Why do you think you're so attached to me?"

Adrien forced a smile as Marinette returned to the cat who began licking her cheek. He rolled his eyes and sat on the bed, arms crossed. Marinette stole his cat. He had to look away from them when Marinette pressed a kiss to her white fur. Milky stole his Mari. Adrien realized he wasn't only jealous of Marinette gaining Milky's immediate affection, he was jealous of that cat getting kissed and cuddled instead of him.

Plagg poked out of his shirt. "Well, now you know how I felt."

Adrien frowned, now also feeling badly for the way he had treated Plagg. He ran his finger over the kwami's head. "I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean what I said. You know you're my favorite cat, right?"

Plagg nodded, purring softly beneath Adrien's thumb. "I forgive you."

"So cute!" Marinette joined Adrien on the bed, cradling the cat. "Adrien, I'm in love!"

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