S1 E15- Argument

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Marinette arrived at Adrien's home and pressed the buzzer on the gate.

"Marinette. You finally came."

"Yeah," Marinette said timidly. "I'm sorry I'm late. I felt unsafe with the akuma."

"That's alright," Nathalie told her, opening the gates. "Come on in. Adrien will be happy to see you."

Marinette thanked Nathalie before heading up to Adrien's bedroom, knocking on the door.

A rather sad-sounding Adrien responded with a gloomy, "Nathalie?"

Marinette giggled. "Guess again!"

Adrien gasped and he ran to open his door to reveal his bluebell-eyed friend he yearned to see again. The blond boy hugged her tightly, briefly lifting her off her feet as he spun around, 180.

 The blond boy hugged her tightly, briefly lifting her off her feet as he spun around, 180

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"Marinette, I'm so glad you still came!"

The girl laughed, kissing his cheeks when he placed her down. Adrien blushed as her lips met his cheeks, realizing it was the first time she'd greeted him like that.


"You've just never given me a French greeting before."

"Well, technically, I didn't." Marinette said, tapping her chin as her face presented thought. "I actually kissed you. With la bise, I wouldn't actually kiss your cheeks."

Adrien shook his head, hugging her again. "Oh, same thing, Marinette!"

Marinette laughed at how excited he was about it, returning his embrace and holding his head protectively. "I'm just glad you weren't infected or hurt by the akuma today."

"Same. I heard she wanted to kill you."

"Correction," Marinette said. "Chloé wanted you to kill me."

Adrien shook at the mere thought of harming Marinette, holding her tighter. "Don't even joke about it, Mari. I'd never forgive myself if I..."

Marinette frowned, stroking his back. "Shh, Adrien."

"And it was all my fault, too," Adrien whimpered. "I caused her to become an akuma."

"No, it wasn't, Adrien. Please, don't talk like that." Marinette pulled from him to hold his face in her hands. "It's okay. I'm okay. See? Everyone is completely fine."

Adrien nodded. "Yeah, I still feel bad, though..."

"Don't." Marinette squeezed his shoulders. "You can apologize to Chloé tomorrow, okay?"

Adrien smiled. "Yeah, of course."

Marinette knitted her eyebrows and began walking away from him, pointing to the bed. "Come on, sunshine child, lie down. There's something else bothering you."

Adrien lied down on his bed, chuckling, as he lifted an eyebrow at the unheard nickname she had just called him. "Did you just call me a 'sunshine child'?"

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