S2 E33: "I'll see someone."

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Paris' superheroes ripped across the sky, receiving cheers and hollers from the citizens below. They gave appreciative smiles, and even waved, as they usually did. But it still shook them a bit to hear their real names being used. It didn't matter as much anymore, but because they'd been taught the upmost importance of hiding their identity, it felt wrong and slightly uncomfortable. 

The duo disappeared into trap door and landed on Marinette's bed, immediately de-transforming from emotional exhaustion. Their kwamis were not so drained from powering their chosens, because they hadn't used their unique abilities, but were still as done with the day as their holders.

Adrien and Marinette, laying side by side, only stared at each other for a moment, each too fatigued to hold any real emotion in their gaze. As if they shared the same thoughts, they rushed into each other's embrace, shutting their eyes tightly.

Marinette pressed her forehead to his and sighed. "Think they'd miss us too much if we just stayed up here like this together for the rest of the day?"

"Probably. But I don't want to deal with everyone." Adrien let out a semi-annoyed groan, forcing his eyes open. "We have to get up."

Marinette opened her eyes as well, nodding in a rather unwilling agreement. "I know..."

Neither of them budged.

Marinette giggle at their shared hypocrisy and pecked his lips. "Come on." She pulled herself up before urging him to. "I can only imagine our whole class gathered in my living room right now." She headed down the stairs of her canopy bed. "Tikki, Plagg, you guys can stay up here and rest for a while."

"Thanks, Mari," Plagg purred.

Tikki hummed in response to her chosen before cuddling up to Plagg.

Adrien followed his counterpart to the floor. Marinette stumbled in the darkness of her room, ending up spinning in her desk chair.

Adrien chuckled. "You okay, babe?"

"Y-Yeah," Marinette groaned. "Just goes to show you that even Ladybug can be graceless." 

As she stood up, she noticed her diary wide open on her desk. She knew for a fact she'd put it away before leaving for Pau. "Adrien, why is my..." Under the book, she rubbed against a crusted substance. "Blood?" She looked up at Adrien who was frozen still in front of her, rubbing his arm as he stared at anything but her. Her eyes widened as she'd read the page that was open. She shut the diary with a slam that startled Adrien and locked it back in its box.

"M-Marinette, I'm sorry," the blond squabbled as she drew nearer to him. "I-I know it was a serious invasion of privacy, but I... I..."

Adrien prepared himself for the worst, only to end up surrounded by Marinette's arms. "You know, despite what I always say about trusting you with everything, that was one thing, one side of me, I could have lived my whole life without you finding out about."

Adrien returned her embrace, sighing shamefully. "I really am sorry. I never meant to pry. I never should have..."

Marinette pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. "I'm just glad it brought you back to your senses before you cut yourself any deeper."

Adrien jumped back a bit. "W-What? Are you some kind of empath?"

Marinette giggled. "Quite possibly." Then, she got serious. "Plagg, I don't care about how Adrien sets rules at home. This is my home now, and, I swear, I you go through my stuff again, I'll denounce you myself!"

Plagg didn't even bother to open his eyes. "Damn, okay, She Devil."

Marinette clicked her tongue. "No, that's Mirajane. Not Marinette."

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