I Drunk in you touch🍸

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"Yah chaeyoungah, it's super duper cool! Is that dad on business trip?"dahyun said.

Chaeyoung just shrugged off her shoulder. "I think nope, so enjoy this party everyone! We must find some girl and drink whatever you want!" She said loudly.

Tzuyu and dahyun nod.

"Chaeng! I invited thise japanese girl from our school that i told you before! Is that okay?"dahyun said while smirk.

Chaeyoung nod. "Where are they? Let's meet them.!"

Dahyun nod and lead the way. "Momoyah! You came. Where is those two? Here is..."

"Tzuyu and chaeng, we know you guys the famouse SCHOOL MEAL CLUB!" she rolled her eyes. She drag two girl closer to her. "This is sana and this is mina!"

Those two just smile and bow.

Chaeng and tzuyu just glance at each other while dahyun she drag momo somewhere.

"Beautiful angel." Chaeng whisper to mina and she shiver.

Tzuyu hold sana hand and drag her to have drink with her.

Mina just smile. "Emmm thanks for invite me here."

Chaeyoung just shrugged it off and hold her hand. "Let's have some drink and let's move our body together." I said and hand her sweet mimosa.

Mina take it and smile. "Thanks chaeng." I take a slurp, but my eyes catch someone and it's make my heart so fucking hurt. My view become blurry because of tears. I keep squish the glass.

Chaeyoung notice mina and see straight on her direction. "Hey are you okay?" I put away the glass on her hand and when i saw her tears drop, i quickly wipe it and drag her to garden. "Let it out." I said as i sit beside her.

Mina just crying there completely ignored the younger. "I hate him! He's lie to me! Get rip this fucking hurt heart!" I punch my chest while crying.

Chaeyoung can't hold anymore looking at her, i hold her hand and pull her into my embrace. "Shhhh don't hurt yourself just because of that fucking bastard! You deserve someone who more better than him." I rub her back and stroke her hair slowly.

Mina calm and she laughing. "So funny this world full of laughter! But why i hate it when it's hit me with tears!." She turn to chaeyoung and stare into her eyes.

Chaeng gulp and my gaze went straight to her lips. I lean closer to her and i see she slowly closing her close her eyes. "Sorry" i whisper slowly and kiss her lips.

Mina just respond and moaning once she touch her like i drunk into her touch.

And it's went so fast, the time keep moving so fast and everything happen just in one second. It's 9 in the morning someone rushing inside that look super mad.

"YAH! CHAEYOUNG, TZUYU AND DAHYUN! COME HERE NOW!" Mr son mad to his daughter and addopt daughters.

Tzuyu and dahyun wake up from the couch and stand infront of mr son with worry face and head hanging down to their feet.


Tzuyu and dahyun sharing glance at each other.

"Silent not the answer you two! I trust you two!" I shake my head and walk to her room.

Tzuyu and dahyun just fiollow mr son while shaking.

Mr son open the door and they widen their eyes. "YAH! CUB WAKE UP! YOU SLEEP WITH THAT GIRL!" he shouting loudly.

Chaeyoung wake up and shocked. I glance om my side and see mina who is rubbing her eyes. "Da da dad?" She stutering.

"I WAITED FOR YOU FOR TWO FUCKING HOURS CUB! AND THIS YOU DO SLEEPING WITH RANDOM GIRL! And you how can you let her have you kid." He shout at chaeng but manage to talk softly to mina.

Mina just tearing up looking at her naked body under blanket. Her head hanging down.

Chaeyoung wear her big shirt and went to her dad. "Mina dress up and meet us outside."i said and walk outiside.

They sitting on the couch while waiting for mina.

Mina walking slowly with her trembling legs, don't know what to do, my hand shaking, my breath heavy and my heart hurt. I take a sit beside chaeyoung infront of her dad while look down.

Mr son sigh heavily. "Kid you two must get marry. No excuse, i will talk to you parent later and your wedding will be next week."

Chaeyoung shake her head. "Dad it's just a sex no need to get marry. Please dad i want to enjoy my life first!" I try to control my anger.

Mina glance at chaeyoung and her eyes teary. 'So it's just a sex chaeyoung, you just have me for fun.'

Mr son hit the table and sigh. "You cub better do or else. You know how hard to grown you guys without a mom and you two why you guys not focus on her. I'm disappointed, cub get marry no excuse anymore."

Tzuyu and dahyun glance at each other and bow to their dad. "Sorry dad we just sorry, we didn't mean anything please, you take care of us after our parent die in that airplane crash, please forgive us." They crying.

Chaeng also crying and went to hug those two.

Mr son hug three of them. "Yah kids, don't crying anymore, i'm sorry i know my lack of times and what can i do? I did that to see you guys live in comfort way."

They sobbing and manage to calm.

"I will marry her." I glance at her and hold her hand. "I will take care of you no matter what." I look staright into her eyes.

Mr son smile. " that is my daughter. And you two i know about that two girls! You guys lucky because they leave early after you guys did that! I will meet their parent and you guys will getting marry next week as well! I got to go now." I glance at mina. "Kid go home with chaeyoung later and i will arranged time to meet you parent and those two parent at same time. Sorry for her silliness." I pat her head and heading out.

They just silent and no one dare to talk.

Hi readers🍓🍸🍸 enjoy this trip of alcohol
Hehe. I drunk in you😂♥️🍓🍸🍸🍸 keep voting and i love you guys🍓🍸

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