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Chaeyoung now sitting alone and face palm. She tried her best but mina never understand her. 'Why is so hard to make you understand me, if you keep pushing me and pulling me like this, just gonna hurt my heart mina. Can't you stop hurting mine. I'm not capable to hurt yours that is why i just let you hurt mine.' She crying. Suddenly someone tap on her shoulder making her groan a bit. She look at the person and she just keep smiling at her.

"Hi chaeng." She smile and sit beside her.

"Hey chaeng." She said and the person laugh.

"Yah! Stop that. Why are you sad?" Rose ask her and wipe her tears.

Chaeyoung hold her hand and look away. "I'm fined just something happen. Why are you here?" She look at Rose and try to put a smile on her face.

Rose smile and her and take a deep breath. "I just being leaving behind. I don't know how to feel, sad or mad? I don't know but it's kinda hurt just a bit i think." She tried to hold back her tears.

Chaeyoung understand what she tried to say. I hug her and rub her back. "It's okay to cry, it's can make you feel better. It's worth it, i promise you. Just cry okay." She said and rose just crying on her shoulder.

Chaeyoung can feel her sobbing is hard and her shirt already wet by her tears. "Feeling better now?" She wipe the remain tears that almost dry.

Rose smile and nod. "Thanks for being here when i really need someone."

"So who is the person who broke my bestfriend heart? I will kill him or her? Tell me rose." She make her mad face.

Rose laugh and hit her shoulder. "No chaeng! Don't beat her up. She a jerk i know. She cheating behind my back. Her name is jisoo. I know her at my workplace."

Chaeyoung laugh. "Yah! I agree. Everyone who is cheating is a jerk. But not her." She whisper the last sentence.

Rose confuse. "Huh? Who her? Chaeng tell me? Someone break your heart? Come on i will break her too." She clench her fist. "How dare she break you're heart."

Chaeyoung hold her hand and smile. "Don't worry, she the one i loved the most. I don't care even she make a mistake because i'm blind by her love, at the end i'm the one who destroy my self. I'm coward rose. I don't deserve someone like her. She happy now. She getting marry." She tried to hold her tears.

Rose rub her back and pouting. "Yah, don't be sad. Maybe it's the best for her. So many people are in love and they not together, and so many people are together but not in love. It's okay chaeng just remember this, rainbow reminds me that there is a beautiful beginning after every painful end." She smile.

Chaeyoung smile at her. "Everyone also said that, that time i was afraid of losing her when i should have been afraid of losing myself. But what can i do now. She once had me at my best, but now i am gone because she aren't ready to have me at my worst." She said sadly. "Sorry for saying all this to you." She said and smile.

Rose smile. "Don't worry, i love to be a good listener to you, even i'm not on your shoes to feel all of that, but i've been experience it. So we same, heart broken and being leaving behind because we're coward." Rose smile. "How about we go to eat and forget about all of this even just for hours olny? Come on chaeng, pleaseee" she stand up and pouting.

Chaeyoung smile and take her hand. "Let's eat street foods, i'm kinda hungry right now." They running with each other and forget for what they felt even for hours and that will comeback creeping their life again.

Meanwhile mina pov

She went to nayeon's clinic. She still not statisfied about chaeyoung even cared about her and seyoung even she not being infront of them before. Now here am i just barge inside her room.

Nayeon still on the phone and when i saw mina just walking inside without knock on my door. I hang up the call and stand as well. I don't know why i feel nervous about this.

"Emmm mina, what have bring you here, have a sit please." She said and both of them sit and keep staring at each other.

Nayeon gulp because her face so straight and her coldness fill in this room making me goosebump.

"So tell me. Is that true, you're the one who told chaeyoung about me and seyoung before?" She said calmy.

Nayeon sigh and take a deep breath. "I'm sorry mina, i need to do this because she help me a lot in the past time and this time i promise myself to help her too. Yes all you said is true. I'm the one who told her. She just cared about you two, is that wrong mina?" She said and try to calm.

Mina choke her own saliva when she heard chaeyoung never lied when it's become about her and seyoung. "Nayeon unnie." She look down.

Nayeon sigh. "I'm sorry if my words to harsh for you. Anything you want to share with me? I know something bothering you right?"

Mina sobbing. "I i i meet her today."

Nayeon shocked after 3 years chaeyoung showed her face to mina. "Ouh great than, but why you sad about this mina?"

Mina shake her head. "No unnie, it's not great. It's the worst thing ever. I'm make a mistake again. I lose her again unnie. I doubt about her and seyoung, because she introduce herself as someone else to seyoung not a dad. I'm mad at her because i thougth she don't want to be her dad. And this *she showed the ring.*."

Nayeon happy. "Yah! It's a good thing then, is she propose you? Did you accept?"

Mina shake her head. "Not unnie, not her who propose. Bambam did and i accept." She look down and crying.

Nayeon shocked and mad but in this state she can't mad at her. Nayeon hug her and rub her back. "Hey don't cry, i know it's hard for you to make a decission. If that make you happy then do it mina. No one gonna force you. If you think chaeyoung is the best make things right but if you think bambam deserve be happy with you so choose him. Life is all about choice mina and you allowed to do what's best for you even if it upsets people."

Mina sobbing. "But unnie, i love chaeyoung but how can i break bambam heart, he's always showed me how much he love me and that kind heart how can i break it. But if i'm not choose my happiness at the end i will just destroy myself. I'm stuck now, my mind blocking me from make a right decission. I'm a selfish if i choose both. I just want chaeyoung and she don't want me that is why i tried to open my heart for someone else."

Nayeon fully understand what she tried to explain. "Mina listen, i know once the heart is break, it's gonna take time to healing but if it even break it's still healing and it's okay to break one heart mina, but don't break your own heart to much, Because it's gonna destroy yourself. It's gonna worth it mina. Choose wisely and be careful if you wanna be with chaeyoung, she lose two person she love and now you. I'm not gonna said that you should choose her and leave bambam, it's up to you. But i wanna said is chaeyoung deserve more. I'm sorry if i said that without feel what you feel but trust me, chaeyoung the best option." She said and sit back on her chair. "Think mina but don't lose sleep thinking about them."

Mina nod. "Thanks unnie for understand me. I promise you i will make a right choice for my life. And i hope it's gonna be worth it." She said and smile a little.

Leave a vote. Sorry if lame🐧🐯🖤🖤💛 but i admit i like this chapter a lot.

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