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Chaeyoung went home. When i went inside i saw mina in the kitchen, 'she skip school today.' I just glance at her once and begin to to sit on the couch. I lay down and play with my phone.

Mina skiping school today because she wanna spend more time with chaeyoung. I cooking her favourite dishes. "I hope she like it." I mumble and i heard someone went inside. When i turn around i saw chaeyoung laying on the couch while using her phone. I went to her slowly and i sit on the floor close to her face. I stare at her. "Are you okay?" I ask her softly.

Chaeyoung turn to see her and her face so closer, i stare into her eyes and i pull my face away.

Mina realize that and she chuckle. I notice her hand bleeding. "Chaeng, lemme see your hand." I try to hold that but she pull away.

Chaeyoung pull her hand and sit properly. "I'm fined." I about to go but she hold my hand.

Mina hold her hand and pull her to sit down. "I said lemme see it!" I mad at her. When she stay there i went to get first aid kit and treat her hand slowly.

Chaeyoung heart beating so fast and i just staring at ger face. "Auchhh!" I groan in pain.

Mina shocked and i blow it slowly. "Sorry." I continue treat it and bandage it. "It's still fresh so don't you ever think to open that wound again." I pinch her tight.

Chaeyounh groan in pain again. "Auchh! Mina what was that for?" I rub my tight because it's hurt a lot.

Mina just chuckle and smile to her. I hold her hand and rub it with my thumb softly. "Are you hurt because of me?"

Chaeyoung heart beating super fast. I release my hand and look away. "Please stop mina, stop asking those question, stop care about me, stop doing all things for me! And stop making my heart beat fast!" I leave her alone there. I just heard she sobbing there alone. I admit when i did that my heart feel hurt, guilty owned me and my mind keep telling me to hug her and comfort her but my heart reject that because it's really hurt.

Mina just crying silently there watching chaeyoung leaving her here. 'Chaeyoungah' that name keep replay in my mind. I want to hug her now, i want to tell her how much i miss her. I hug my knee there and crying untill my tears dry. After almost an hour crying, i throw all the foods in to the trash and wash my self in my room.

Chaeyoung pov

I keep thinking about mina and it's mess my head when i thinking about her. I just worry about her. I shouldn't treat her like that. I mess my hair and i have my braveness to check on her. I went to her room and now i'm standing infront of her room nd i keep my self calm before knock on her door. But when i want to knock i heard she Sobbing and crying inside. It's really hurt my self when i heard that. I decided to knock again but i heard she talking with someone through her phone and when i heard that name my heart become more hurt. I leave her and went to nearest park even it's dark but still have a lamp and moon light to make it bright for me. I sit on the benches and closing my eyes. "Why is it so hard to resist your love mina. I just want to love you that's all, i don't want to hurt you. Why it's so hard to forget you!." I punch my chest and i walking again. "Why i keep telling myself to leave you mina but my heart keep telling me to stay with you. It's really hard for me to ignored you, and how can i ignored your love if i don't have any strength to face it." I keep my mind calm before going home.

Mina pov

Mina call bambam and tell him what happen today. She just acted him just like her good friend. After that i fall asleep.

Chaeyoung went home, when i go inside i saw darkness inside and i walk passing mina room and i glance at her room. I want to knock that room and hug her but i'm stop myself from doing that but suddenly my body just move by itself and i knock on the door. I'm super nervous to see her and my heart beating super fast. I saw the door knob moving and revealing mina who is rubbing her eyes, looking cute just like penguin. "Did you eat?"

Mina wake up from her sleep when she heard her door being knock, i open the door and my sight still blur but i manage to see who is the person. I suprised when i heard her voice. I want to hug her so bad but i keep froze infront of her.

Chaeyoung try to avoid her gaze but i can't, even how much she hurt me my heart still want her so bad. I really wanted to hug her but i still stop myself from doing that. "Are you okay? I'm asking you? Did you eat already?"

Mina shake her head and look down. "I....i...i waiting for you." I whisper all those words while twist my shirt.

Chaeyoung feel soft looking how cute this person infront of her. "You don't need to waiting for me, you must eat time by time so the baby will be healthy and you too. So wanna eat now?" I ask her like a bit mad at her.

Mina look at chaeyoung and smile. "I want, if you accompany me and baby to eat."

Chaeyoung sigh. "No. I mean fined! But only just for baby only." I utter it stutter and i went downstairs first. I prepared some food for her. Just a simple dish. I serve infront of her.

Mina just staring at chaeyoung while she cooking and when i smell that foods, it's so delicious. When she serve infront of me, my eyes just shining and i keep smiling to her.

Chaeyoung just smile looking at this cute girl. "Eat it and i will sit here." I sit infront of her.

Mina look at her. "You not eating with me? Come here taste it too." I want to feed her. "Aaaaaa"

Chaeyoung just staring at that spoon and i see she acting like a mom want to feeding her kid. I open my mouth a little and she feeding me.

Mina smile at her. "Oishi?"

Chaeyoung nod agree.

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