Losing you♡

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Bambam now in the hospital with mina. He is super worried about mina and especially the baby. He's already call sana and momo to come here and they already arrived. Momo push bambam.

"Yah! What are had you done to mina!" Momo grab her collar. Sana try to stop her but she can't when momo is mad like this.

"We just look for chaeng and she pass out, i don't know what happen." Bambam let go of momo hand after she loosen the grip and sit on the floor.

"Listen, if something happen to her and her baby i will kill you bastard!" Momo mad and went to sana. "Try reach chaeng, tzuyu and dahyun now." Momo order sana and sana nod.

"Come one pick up baby. We need chaeng, mina need chaeng." She tried again and finally tzuyu pick up. "Baby, come to hospital now and bring chaeng. It's about mina. She being hospitalized now."

Tzuyu see sana keep calling her and i pick up. At first i was shocked hearing that mina in hospital. "What! I will be there with chaeng." Tzuyu hang up and try to reach dahyun and somi but no one pick up. She decided to drive to mr son house. Once i arrived i glad they all there.

"CHAENG!" Tzuyu shouting calling for chaeyoung.

Dahyun come to tzuyu after heard she screaming. "What happen?"

Tzuyu wipe her sweat and breathing first. "It's mina, she in hospital, she need chaeng." Tzuyu state it worriedly.

Dahyun shocked. "But she about to get hit by car today, luckily somi fast. She resting now. Should we get her?"

Tzuyu nod. "Yes we must tell her this. Mina still her wife." Tzuyu drag dahyun to cub room. We see she sleeping peacefully.

"What happen earlier? Why you not following us? You know that cub almost get into accident!" Somi mad at tzuyu.

Tzuyu look down. "I'm sorry, i just mad at mina. I told everything to her. Mina just confuse i think and now she in hospital. We need to bring chaeng to her. Sana said mina need chaeng."

Somi sigh. "Even i don't want chaeng go in this state but she deserve to know." Somi shake her gently. "Chaeng wake up."

Chaeyoung slowly wake up. "Mina." She mumble and they just look at each other.

Somi help her to sit properly. "Chaeng, mina."

Chaeyoung worried. "Why? What happen to her? Is she okay?" Chaeyoung look at all of them.

Tzuyu sigh. "She being hospitalized chaeng. We need to go now."

Chaeyoung heart feel hurt hearing that. "She must be like that because of me. Bring me there now please, i just want to make sure she safe." Chaeyoung drag tzuyu out and follow by somi and dahyun. They drive to hospital that where mina being hospitalized.


Sana and momo reach for those three after they arrived. Chaeyoung grab bambam collar.

"Yah! What did you do to mina! If something happen to her, i will never let you go easily!" Chaeyoung let go her collar madly.

Momo and sana gulp.

"Chaeng doctor said she's fined but don't let her feel stress again. She already awake and just want you inside." Momo step outside and let her being inside, after that they leave chaeyoung and mina alone.

Chaeyoung walk slowly to mina who is seem super weak. My heart feel like so heavy more heavy than anything. I just wish that i'm not here, i can't even face her or talk to her. But she need me and i need to be here. I sit beside her and staring at her.

Mina look at chaeyoung and grab her hand. Her teary eyes enough to make chaeyoung heart soft and guilty. "Chaeng, i'm sorry, i know everything. Sorry for not ever listening to your heart." Mina crying.

Chaeyoung sigh and all what she feel is all mixed into one. She can't even described anything from her heart. "Stop crying mina, it's not good for your health and baby too. I come here just because i'm concern about baby." Chaeyoung pull her hand slowly and look down.

Mina feel hurt but lucky she still concern about her baby. "I wanna tell you this, i really realized now what i do is wrong chaeng, i would like to meet you again for the first time."

Chaeyoung look at her finally after hearing those words that really hurt. "Mina listen to this, i am your once open a time but not your happily ever after, so stop being hope that i will be back with you. That's all mina i just concern about you because i make you suffer with all those problem, i make you live in those and it's creepy my dream and my heart everytime, and mina i told you this you're my first love but, my first love wasn't my first love, it was my first attachment, it was almost as if i was stuck, feeling as if i had to stick around because i thought that it was love but not mina, me just be me, alone in everything. I noticed it will never two-sided, it was just me, alone. I'm sorry if i cursed so much pain and trouble or prolem into your life, sorry for put a darkness in your life, i'm so sorry mina. Just one more thing, if he is a real man, he's stay dedicated to you. Be happy, be the best version of you."  Chaeyoung about to go but mina grab her hand.

"Wait! Chaeng i know i had done wrong for you too, i never notice you're open your heart door for me and break you're wall just to let me in, sorry. But chaeng if you really stay with your decission to leave me remember this i will never ever tell our child who is the real father because she is the most coward person i ever meet and doesn't good enough to be a dad! I hate you son chaeyoung! Not only you that hurting! Me too chaeng but you and you're immatured mind take over all of you're decission. Go and leave me, i didn't even care about you. But remember, there's a part of me that's always going to have feelings for you, and yes, i might move on and try my best to he happy. But if i ever asked who i love, your name will always be the first one in my mind." Mina crying and cover herlsef in blanket.

Chaeyoung can't utter any words what i does is like a loser person, i leave her crying without comforting her. How hard i tried to unlove her but it will never happen because when i told her she my first love she really does, i would never be honest with my words because i just want her to hate me and guess what i did it. I should be happy but it's sad and hurt because i just lose someone i love the most. 'I love you mina, forever and untill i die.' Chaeyoung close the door and wipe her tears. "Momo, sana, can you promise me you guys will take care of her for me and send her to clinic, feed her a good food, give what she need, rub her back and be her reminder about her health. I can't even do that because i'm not the one who is mean to he with her. And you bambam, make her forget about me, take care of my baby. If he is a boy, teach him how to protect her mommy and if she is a girl you must protect her and her mommy. I turst you guys so much. Tzuyu, dahyun and somi thanks for always be there for me. Graduate and be success. I will always be there for you but not for now, now i want my time alone, i need to disconnected from reality and forget about all this pain." Chaeyoung about to walk but tzuyu grab her hand.

"But where are you going chaeng? We all need you here with us. I'm begging you please stay. " tzuyu sobbing.

Chaeyoung hug her and whisper. "Tzu, i love you and it's never change our bond. I just want to go a bit far from here, my grandma house, i know i'm afraid to go there because of my mom memories there but i wanna rid all this pain that i burried it's deep now. I need selfcare and there will be the best choices. Come and visit me there just only you and no one should know even dahyun. Please promise me." Chaeyoung let go the hug and tzuyu nod at her.

They just watching chaeyoung leave them.

Omg readers it's out now tzuyu melodi project go and stream it 💞💞💞

Leave your vote for me thanks💜💞😉 enjoy this drama guys, two hearts keep hurting each other.🥺

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