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Mina after receive tzuyu text that chaeyoung with her she sigh relief that she safe. But i'm still waiting for her to coming home.

After long drive with tzuyu, chaeyoung went inside her house and see mina on the couch sleeping. I slowly went to her even when i see her face my heart will hurt. I bend to her and memorize her face with my hurt eyes. 'I love you mina but why you can't see.' i decided to carry her inside her room but suddenly she wrap her hand on my neck and snuggle her face more to my neck.

"Chaengie." She mumble in sleep.

Chaeyoung just smile sadly and lay her carefully and kiss her forehead and her tummy. "I love you" she mumble slowly and leave her sleeping.


Mina wake up and see she not on the couch but on her bed. "Did chaeyoung come home. Did she carry me. I miss her." I get up from my bed and went to her room, i knock slowly waiting for her to open.

Chaeyoung who is not sleep last night heard her door being knock and i went to open it. Mina hug me, i just froze. 'I can't even see your face that scene playback whenever i see you.' i release the hug. "Want to coming?" I utter coldly.

Mina shocked by her cold voice. She never being like this to me. And her eyes swollen badly and her hand have a lot of wound. "Hey lemme see your hand?" I try to hold her hand but she move away.

Mina confuse. "Lemme see son chaeyoung! You have a wound there and it's still fresh!" I mad at her.

Chaeyoung gulp and sit on my bed while she take care my wound. "Auchh! Slowly!" I groan in pain.

Mina smile to her and blow it. "Sorry my fault." I continue my work.

Chaeyoung just stare at her but that kissing scene always remind on her mind. "Mina what are you doing yesterday?"

Mina shocked. 'Does she know what i'm doing, did she following me?' "Ummm nothing. Why?"

Chaeyoung just chuckle dryly. "Really nothing."

Mina nervous and she pull her hand harshly make me shocked. "Why? Does i hurt you?"

Chaeyoung can't face her she turn around avoiding her eyes. "I don't know either this wound hurt or my heart, i'm so done with this feelings" chaeyoung look down try to hold her tears.

Mina confuse. "What are you trying to say? You confusing me?"

Chaeyoung sigh heavily. "I know what you do yesterday. I hope you enjoy."

Mina shocked and couldn't say any words.

Chaeyoung turn to face her. "First i'm sorry for following you and second sorry for asking that stupid question, of course you enjoy because it's your first love that kissing you."

Mina slap her face. "Watch your mouth chaeyoung! I hate you and remember i will never forgive you or fall for you!"

Chaeyoung smile. "I will let you go if you want but give me seven days only seven days, i promise i will let you after that days."

Mina couldn't control her anger. "What are you try to do chaeyoung! If you want me to abbort this child i will and i will never have connection with you anymore." She hit her tummy.

Chaeyoung hold her hand tight. "Listen mina, what ever happen don't you dare to abbort that child! I will never let you touch what is mine! I admit i curse all problems in your life but loving you i'm sincere mina but you can't see because you blind with that stupid first love!"

Mina slap her again. "Don't you ever said that stupid love. He more way better than you! I hate you so much." She run out from that house and went to her mom.

Chaeyoung just froze on her state, i don't have that strenght to chase her because i'm a coward. 'I hate my self for making you crying. I hate me mina!' I just stay in that room crying and keep hurting my self.


Mina knock on her parent house that small house that super cosy. "Mom. I miss you." She crying.

Mrs myoui feel weird. "Hey baby why are you crying, did everything okay? Where is chaeyoung?"

Mina just keep crying. "I hate her mom!"

Mrs myoui feel weird why her daughter hate chaeyoung so much because chaeyoung always care about her and her mom. Always come to visit her mother in law. "But what happen actually?"

Mina tell everything to her mom and mrs myoui just sigh.

"Baby listen i don't want stand by your side or her side but for your information she is kind more kind, she always visiting me and update to me about you, she always ask me how to handle pregnant women, she supper concern about you but turn out you hate her. I'm not disapointed but try to give her chance." I care her cheeks.

Mina sobbing. "But still she still wrong in my eyes." Mina utter madly.

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