THE (memories) LOSE

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Chaeyoung arrived and went straight to tzuyu.

"How mina? WHY SILENT! TELL ME!" she hold tzuyu collar.

Tzuyu wipe her tears. "She....she...she.."

Chaeyoung push her and mess her hair. "She what! She what! Dahyun? Bambam? She what?"

Dahyun hug chaeyoung and calm her down. "Chaeng, listen, she in there, still fighting. Shhhh don't be like this. She gonna be fined."

Doctor come out and look down. "We're sorry..."

Chaeyoung grab his shirt. "Yah! Tell me mina is safe!"

Bambam and dahyun hold chaeyoung and let go of her hand.

"Listen first chaeng!" Dahyun slap her face. "Listen!" She hold her cheek.

Chaeyoung calm down and look at doctor.

Doctor bow and sigh. "We're tried our best but her condition is critical now, but she can survive and  need to be surgery now. Her condition is getting worst now. But it's have a problem."

Chaeyoung went to him. "What kind of problem?" She ask calmly.

Doctor sigh. "We need to remove the froze blood in her head. Or else she gonna die. But if we remove it, she might lose her memories. For weeks, months or years. Choices on your hand."

Chaeyoung punch the wall and her hand bleeding. "Do what you can do, just save her please." Beging and her tears drop.

Doctor bow and went back inside.

Bambam clench his fist and punch chaeyoung. Dahyun hold bambam and tzuyu help chaeyoung.

"Holy shit! This is hospital not a playground to have a fight! Idiot! Why you had to punch her!" Dahyun said and mad at him.

Chaeyoung wipe her mouth and went to him. "What! Punch me again!"

Bambam glare at her. "You just make a mistake! She will forget seyoung! How that kid gonna live without mina know about her!"

Chaeyoung scoff and hold her shirt while tzuyu tried to stop her.

"Listen! If we don't agree to that surgery mina gonna die! If she die does seyoung could live without her? Tell me who is make a mistake here! When you want to talk use your brain not your saliva!" She scoff and went to restroom.

Bambam remove dahyun hand. "Shit that bastard." He sit on the chair and keep hoping mina gonna be fined.

Chaeyoung pov

Chaeyoung washing her face and breathing heavily. 'Oh lord help me to save her. Don't take her away from me. Just take me instead i love her so much. Please make her safe.' She punch the sink again and her hand bleeding too much now. She facing herself in the mirror. 'This is a coward. If i don't leave you alone there. All this not gonna happen.'

Suddenly tzuyu go inside and hug chaeyoung while rubbing her back. "Idiot cub. Don't hurt yourself! You not the one who cause this! So stop blaming yourself!"

Chaeyoung sobbing and calm down. "I deserve this pain. I make her in this state. I should die. I don't deserve to live if i'm just gonna hurt her."

Tzuyu hold her face. "Listen, you love her that is why you acting like this. When you blind with love, we will does everything without we known that! We all crazy when it's become a love. But a true love doesn't blame theirself for every things happen. So stop blaming yourself if you truely love her, stop hurting yourself and be brave. Does you want she wake up and see you like this? You must be strong for her. For seyoung." Tzuyu wipe her tears and smile. "Be strong for us to. We love you cub."

Chaeyoung nod and smile. "I will tzu, thanks for the advice. Your the best person ever that come into my life. I'm tired for losing someone i love. I want all this pain stop here and i want her back."

Bambam listen to every single their conversation. He went to chaeyoung and punch her. "Stop stealing her away from me!" Tzuyu pull him and push him away. Se help chaeyoung.

"What the hell bambam! Stop beating her! She deserve mina more than you!" Tzuyu about to punch him but chaeyoung hold her shoulder and wipe her mouth.

"Tzu, don't! I know she yours. But still untie. I can snatch her away, but i'm not a person like that. Give me only 5 days. It should be 7 days but she used 2 days from that before. So please give me only remain 5 days to be with her. If she not fall for me. She all yours. I promise and i will never break my promise." She offer her hand.

Bambam glance at her and take her hand. "I'm hold on your words son chayoung. But i'm warn you, if you break her heart again, stay away from her forever." Bambam scoff and leave her.

Tzuyu can't believe they just make this into proposal. "Yah! Are you stupid! What if she don't remember you? How can she fall for you just only 5 days! Are you stupid!"

Chaeyoung smile at her. "I believe in my love and fate. If she really mine, forever she gonna be mine. Did you inform her mom already?"

Tzuyu sigh. "She on her way with seyoung here. She said seyoung don't want to leave her side even with sana and momo she rejected."

Chaeyoung happy when she heard seyoung name. "I will try to comfort her. Thanks for always take care of mina and seyoung when i'm not around."

Tzuyu smile. "Don't worry, we are family right." She wink and walking out following by chaeyoung by her side.

Meanwhile others pov

Seyoung keep crying. "Mommy."

Bambam tried to comfort her but nothing happen. "Shhhh don't cry baby."

Chaeyoung heart feel heavy when she heard seyoung crying calling mina. I went to bambam and seyoung immediately hug her and crying on her chest.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm here. I will be here with you." She stroking her hair.

Seyoung starting to fall asleep in her embrace. "Daddy. Mommy." She mumble in her sleep.

Chaeyoung smile and hug her tight. "Daddy sorry baby. I wish i can be a good dad to you." She whisper to her and smile when she sleep like mina. 'She totally looks like you mina.' She kiss her head.

Mrs myoui sit beside her. "Nice to meet you again chaeyoung." She smile. "Seyoung can't sleep without her mom but her dad can make her sleep easily." She stroke seyoung's hair softly.

Chaeyoung smile to her. "I'm sorry mom for hurting mina. I promise i will prove you that i'm gonna a be good father and good person for her. I love mina so much."

Mrs myoui tap her hand and notice her hand. She sigh and bandage it using her handkerchief. "I'm glad to hear that. You the only one can make her happy. Make her happier person ever. Make her feep love again chaeyoung. I trust in you. She once told me, she confuse about her feelings between you and bambam but her heart told her to choose you. She lover you too chaeyoung. Please take care of her for me."

Chaeyoung smile and nod. "I promise you mom. I will never hurt her never. I'm gonna be the best version that she will get."

Mrs myoui smile and nod. "I'm happy for both of you."

Doctor come out after 3 hours struggling. Chaeyoung give seyoung to mrs myoui and went to doctor same goes with tzuyu, dahyun and bambam.

Doctor bow and sigh. "I'm sorry."

Leave your vote💜💛  actually i'm afraid this chapter gonna be lame so if you feel it interesting vote but if you feel it's lame i'm really sorry😊🐧🐯

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