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Chaeyoung pov

"Daddy, i want ice-cream please." Seyoung said and smile.

Chaeyoung shocked when she call her daddy. She happy but still sad. "Why you called me daddy?"

Seyoung kiss her cheek. "Because i want to. Can i?"

Chaeyoung pinch her cheek. "I would love to, But no ice-cream, mommy must be mad at me. Let's eat sweet bean bread okay."

Seyoung shake her head. "Sweat bean is still nut." Seyoung giggle.

Chaeyoung forgot. "Aishhh your mommy used to eat that when she pregnant, how can you be allergic. Sorry. How about some cake? What flavour?"

Seyoung happy. "Emmm strawberry!" She said and smiling.

Chaeyoung put her on the chair and pick some strawberry cake for her. I tried to feed her but i'm playing with her, i feed myself and seyoung pouting and sulking.

"Hmmphh daddy bad." She said and sobbing.

Chaeyoung feel bad and tried to feed her. "I'm sorry, eat now okay. Aaaaaa."

Seyoung open her mouth and eat it while smilling. "Can we meet mommy after this. I miss mommy." She munching her cake.

Chaeyoung smile and nod. "Okay, we will meet her later okay. But you must finish this cake first...... seyoung, what if mommy don't remember you."

Seyoung confuse. "What that mean?" She being innocent.

Chaeyoung smile and shake her head. "Forget about that." After they finish their cake. She went back to mina room and  chaeyoung gave those two pregnant woman sweet bean bread.

"Gomawo chaeng chaeng!" They said unison.

Chaeyoung suddenly feel sad hearing that nickname because jennie used to call her like that. "Can you guys stop using that nickname, it's remind me of jennie. Sorry." She said and glance at mina who is sleeping.

They shocked.

"We're sorry chaeng, we promise never call you like that again...and bambam came here awhile ago." Sana said.

Chaeyoung nod. "Ouh okay. How mina? Did she awake when you arrived?" She look at mina who is sleeping.

Sana and momo glance at each other and sigh.

"It's the worst things ever! She said she is 18. I'm worried about seyoung right now." She glance at seyoung who is sleeping on her lap.

Chaeyoung sigh. "We need to explain to her later. She need to accept this situation." She said and sad.

Momo nod and munch her food. "Yeah you right. We will help you chaeng, don't worry." She spill out some breadcrumbs.

Sana hit her shoulder. "Yah! Eating first and then talking!." Sana giggle.

Momo pouting. "I'm just hungry. But chaeng we here okay. So don't worry."

Chaeyoung smile and nod. "Thanks guys. I'm appreciate that."

Suddenly mina groan and wake up. "Dad." She mumble and she glance at her mom. "Mom."

Mrs myoui nod. "Yes mina. I'm here."

Mina sigh. "Is that true, i'm 21 now and they married and did i'm married to?"

Mrs myoui glance at chaeyoung. Chaeyoung walk closer to her. Mina confuse.

"Who are you?" She glance at her mom, momo and sana. She notice a baby girl sleeping on sana lap. "Who is she?" She confuse and she hold her head.

Chaeyoung hold her hand. "Hey, stop thinking about this first. I'm gonna tell you the whole story." Chaeyoung smile and mina just nod.

After an hour she explain everything for mina. She crying and slap chaeyoung. Chaeyoung speechless.

"I hate you! How can she be my daughter. Am i cheating on my boyfriend! No way am i  did that! You the one who ruining my life! I hate you!" She shouting.

Mrs myoui calming mina.

"I'm sorry mina. But please just give me 5 days? I promise you just only 5 days to spend with you." She begging on mina.

Mina look at her and she feel something weird. She just nod even she want to refuse.

Chaeyoung smile. "I promise you. Thanks for still accept me." Her tears drop and she hold mina hand.

Mina feel soft on her touch. She notice her hand being bandage. "What happen to your hand?" She rub it softly. They staring into each other eyes. Untill seyoung crying break the stare.

Seyoung suddenly crying. Sana tried to calm her down. Chaeyoung wen to her and carry her.

"Mina her name is seyoung. Your daughter." Mina confuse.

"Our daughter right?" Mina said and chaeyoung nod.

Seyoung went to mina and hug her. "Mommy, i miss you." Mina still confuse and she not react to that hug.

Seyoung kiss her cheek. "Mommy." She smile and revealing her dimples.

Mina found it's cute. She pinch it softly. "Seyoung-ah." She said it softly.

Seyoung smile and snuggle more to mina. "Yes mommy. I love you."

Mina shocked and feel uncomfortable a bit. "Emmm." She chuckle akward.

Chaeyoung take seyoung from her. "Emm baby, mommy need to rest. How about you go home with grandma and aunties first and tomorrow comeback here."

Seyoung pouting and her tears rolling down on her cheeks. "But i miss mommy. I want to sleep with mommy." She said and crying.

Mrs myoui take seyoung. "Seyoung-ah grandma promise will take you here again tomorrow."

Seyoung sobbing and glance at mina. Mina heart arching when she see seyoung crying. She just staring at seyoung who leaving her. She doesn't want to let her go but it's still new for her.

Chaeyoung went to her. "Did you will be okay alone for awhile? I need to go home for shower and change my cloth. It's stink." She rub her nape and look down shy.

Mina chuckle and nod. "Yeah you stink and you should go home now. I will be okay, don't worry." She said and smile

Chaeyoung smile and went closer to her. "Mina, i don't want to lose you again this time. I will never leave you again. I promise." She kiss her head and begin to leaving her.

Mina heartbeat fast and weird when chaeyoung kiss her, she just staring at chaeyoung leaving her. She glance at her hand, no ring and she think it might lose when she accident. She feel cool at her neck and it's necklace. She pull out from her shirt and staring at it. "This ring. Why it's seem like i saw it before." She lay back and staring at that ring. She suddenly smiling without her notice.

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