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Mina and chaeyoung finish eating their food and now chaeyoung do the dishes while mina waiting and watching her while smiling. Once chaeyoung finish she turn around and see mina staring at her with the smile that she really miss.

Chaeyoung sigh. "Go to sleep now. We must go to school tomorrow." I about to go.

Mina hold her arm. "Can we have a talk for a while. Please." She ask her nicely.

Chaeyoung take a deep breath before turn around. "Okey you have 5 minutes."

Mina take a deep breath. "Can't you see my heart?" I look into her eyes but she avoiding my gaze.

Chaeyoung froze hearing that question and her heart beating so fast. I avoiding her gaze and sigh. "Why?"

Mina smile and hold her hand. "My heart told me you the only one i've got. I'll behind you one step back and i will let you feel what i feel."

Chaeyoung still confuse with her words. "What did you mean mina?" I let my hand off from her.

Mina chuckle sadly. "Because you don't know my heart that is why you can't see my heart or understand what my heart want chaeyoung." I look down.

Chaeyoung feel hurt. "You know everytime i try to understand your heart, i have tears in my eyes, it's hurt to see you and i hurt being alone in this love. But you the one who is pretending not to know that."

Mina stare at her with tears that almost to escape from her eyes. "I..."

Chaeyoung cut her. "You don't have to say any words now mina, you can't even hear what the sound of my heart, A broken heart is all left. Now stop with this and just go to sleep." I leave her with guilty in my heart. I need to do this. Cause i don't want hurt anymore.

Mina just staring at chaeyoung who walk away from her. With the tears on my cheeks, i walk away from my place with the pain that i cause by myself, because of my stupidity i have that pain. I close the door and laying back on my bed and hugging her cloth. I miss het scent, i miss her arms wraping around me when i scared. "I miss you chaeyoung." I mumble and sleep.

Chaeyoung pov

Chaeyoung lock her door and lay down. I always wonder is that i hurt her a lot. But i did that because i'm hurting too, or is that i'm coward for hurting her. Did she deserve being like that? I just..... "want to unlove her" i mumble and begin to sleep.

Tomorrow morning.

Mina wake up and begin to dress up.

Chaeyoung also wake up and i don't know why i'm waiting for her right now. I saw her walking downstairs but she not even smile to me. She walk out without seeing at me. I see she hop in on other car which is bambam car. I sigh and just drive my own car.


Everyone glance at mina and bambam who came together while chaeyoung come out from the other car.

"Is they break up?"

"I know that girl will cheat." I just smirk at mina.

"How dare she dumb chaeyoung like that."

"What a shame she pregnant with chaeyoung and stick with other guy. Such a Player."

Mina just listen every single words from other student but bambam being beside her and pull her closer to him and he glare at everyone. I feel like i'm safe with him and the way he protect me, i just staring at his face.

Chaeyoung try to protect her from the others mouth but she see bambam there and hug her shoulder. I walking past and i bump my shoulder to bambam shoulder making him move away a bit. I'm not stop even mina calling me.

"Chaeyoung!" I shout her name and i checked on bambam. "Are you okay?"

Bambam just smile and nod. "No worry i'm fined." I hold her hand and walk her to classroom.

Mina just blushing toward his small action.

Chaeyoung sit on her chair.

Somi widen her eyes. "Chaeng are you okay?" I glance at her bandaged hand.

Chaeyoung just sigh. "I'm fined."

Tzuyu and dahyun went to her.

"Yah cub." Tzuyu hold her hand. "Why hurting yourself again and again."

Chaeyoung pull her hand back and lay her head.

Dahyun, tzuyu and somi just sigh.

"Cub, if you want to share something just share with us. We don't know how you feel if you don't tell us why." Dahyun said and sigh.

Chaeyoung sigh and lay her back on chair. "Okay but not here, let's meet at rooftop later."

Dahyun, tzuyu and somi just nod.

"Okay meet there later." Dahyun said and sit at her place with tzuyu.

"Dahyunah, i can't bear seeing her like this." Tzuyu utter sadly.

Dahyun just sigh. "Either me tzuyu, how can she hurt herself just for mina, and mina she just.. urghhh i don't know her, i think she a coward not chaeng."

Tzuyu nod. "I think so but chaeng might not like this if she heard this. So let's support her okay."

Dahyun nod. "Okay. Let's fight for their love too. Fighting!"

Tzuyu nod and smile. "Fighting" but tzuyu accidently said it loud. She cover her mouth whiler dahyun covering her head with text book.

Miss park glare at her. "Miss chou, i know you excited to learn biology today but please control it or you teach here?"

Tzuyu stand and bow to her. "Sorry miss park."

Miss park nod. "Okay, you can sit and focus okay." I continue to teaching.

Tzuyu sit and she got smack by dahyun.

"Yah, you should be careful next time. Idiot" dahyun whisper madly to her.

Tzuyu just give peace sign and sleep.

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