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Chaeyoung chase mina but she bump to bambam luckily he catch mina fast. Chaeyoung froze and sigh. Mina hug bambam and crying. While bamban just rub her back and wipe her tears.

"Hey what happen? Did you hurt?" Bambam drag her to sit and let her calm first.

Mina manage to calmdown and look down.

Bambam lift her face up and hold both of her cheeks. "I will always be here if you need me." I lean closer to her while locking our eyes together. I saw mina begin to close her eyes and i smile before claming her lips.

Chaeyoung can't believe mina did that, they kissing infront of me again. I hurt seeing them like that. I wanna pull mina to me but i can't i run away from that place and i went to rooftop.

Mina realize that shouldn't happen and she pull out and blushing because she shy. "Sorry." She whisper.

Bambam smile and fix her hair. "Sorry for that kiss, i can't stop myself i just love you so much, that feelings never fade away from my heart mina." I hold her hand and place it on my chest.

Mina staring deeply inside his eyes. She can find all those pureness and kindness in his eyes. But it's different from chaeyoung gaze. "Sorry, bambam i know you really kind and i love you too but let me rid this feelings because i need to learn how to love chaeyoung, i realize these days my heart keep beating fast when i'm around her." I leave him but he's walking beside me.

"At least  if you still need me just come to me and i will claim you back, And i will always stay by your side." I smile and put my both hand inside my pocket.

Mina smile to him and walking.

Chaeyoung pov

She got many miss call from dahyun, tzuyu and somi

Dahyun 12 miss called
Tzuyu 17 miss called
Somi 15 miss called.

"Where are you cub!"
"We worried about you!"
"Tell us now cub!"

Chaeyoung text back.

If you concern come to rooftop. I need someone now.

Some messages from them to her. She glance at her wallpaper and it's their baby photo. And she feel sad. "Loving them shouldn't hurt me but why it's so fucking hurt! Oh god take this pain away. Get it rid from me!" I throw those phone beside me and crying while hugging my knees.

Tzuyu pov

"I think she hurt." Tzuyu told them when she reach their class.

Somi and dahyun confuse. "Hurt?" They said unison.

"Wait chaeng text. She need us, come on!" Dahyun said and those two follow them.


Chaeyoung still crying there and they run to her.

"Chaeng what happen?" Tzuyu rub her back and bend to her.

Chaeyoung hug tzuyu. "It's hurt."

Dahyun almost drop her tears and somi already tearing up.

"Hey, i know, she kissing earlier right?" Tzuyu said and look down.

Chaeyoung can't even bear with that scene. "Stop! I don't want to listen to that! I wanna go far from here. I need to run away from this pain. I can't even bear this anymore. She don't love me." Even she shouting madly but still the crack in her voices still obvious heard by others.

Somi and dahyun hug chaeng just to let her calm.

"Cub don't go anywhere please, we can't stay far from you. Tell us what happen?" Somi said.

Chaeng manage to calm down. "She saw i'm hugging with rosè and i swear i just tried to protect her from bump to that boy and that time mina is there. I leave rosè and chase her but she hug bambamq. She also kiss him" the last sentence almost whisper, I look down. "Am i that bad, until she not feel safe around me. Once she told me she give me a chance, feel safe around me and she all mine but she just tell by her mouth not by her heart."

"Hey, don't listen to what she tell to you anymore, i don't trust her. She keep hurting you. Let her go chaeng." Tzuyu said.

Dahyun push tzuyu hard. "Yah! What is wrong with you! Don't you see chaeng still love mina!"

Tzuyu face her and clinch her fist. "You shut up! Don't you see she fucking suffer! She broken a lot and you still want that fucking mina still hurting her!" I grab her collar.

Somi break two of them. "Yah! Stop argue! It's not the time! We need to support chaeng not fighting over this shit thing!" Somi mad out of her lungs.

Those two sigh. "Sorry." They said unison. And scratch their nape. They turn to chaeng.

"Sorry, i didn't mean to stop you from loving her. It just..." Tzuyu look down.

Chaeyoung hug her. "You're right, i should let her go. Come on let's meet her. I need you guys strength." We all holding hand and went to mina class.

They all see how happy mina with bambam and even she tried to unlove him but it's still her heart still beating for bambam. But chaeyoung just the only one can make her heart beating that super fast. Maybe someone will think i'm the greedy but i swear my heart now only for chaeng but i don't know it's hard to accept her after what happen to my life.

Chaeyoung knock on the door and bow to their teacher.

Mrs Song bow to her. "Oh miss son, anything i can help?"

Chaeyoung take a deep breath and glance at mina who is staring at her. "I want see mina for a while."

Mrs Song nod. "Miss mina you heard that right."

Mina stand up and bow to her. I glance at chaeyoung first before went outside and i saw those three here too.

"I need bamban too." Chaeyoung said a bit sad.

Mrs Song asked bambam to go with miss son.

They all went to basket ball hall and chaeyoung stand infront of those two which is bambam and mina, while the others stood behind her.

Chaeyoung hold mina hand but mina unhold that and see other way. "I'm sorry. Please take care yourself ater this." I badly want to kiss her and claim her as mine but she is not mine, i went to bambam. I punch him hard for that kiss and mina rush to bambam to check on him.

"Yah! What is wrong with you chaeyoung! Why you punch him!" Mina went to chaeng and slap her. "I hate you!" She help bambam to stand.

Tzuyu about to go to chaeng but somi and dahyun hold her and they close their eyes when mina slap her hard.

Chaeyoung just smile and tears already drop. "Look mina, when i punch him you cared about him, but when i saw you guys kissing, why you don't come and comfort my heart." I look down.

Mina mad now. "Yah! I have right to do that! I'm blind when i told you he is my stupid first love but he never being this coward like you! You hugging with other girl infront of me and our baby! How can you be like that when i tried to have your love!" Mina crying and keep punching chaeng chest.

Chaeyoung just stood there and receive all the punch. "But mina, i do it because of my own reason, even how much my heart hurt, i will never hurt others heart just to heal my heart. Let's stop all of this, i know you love him. Go to him and marry with him. I'm a coward Son Chaeyoung officially will divorced Myoui Mina." I turn around and breath all out. I run away as fast as i can. I don't have strength to see her.

Dahyun and somi chase chaeyoung but tzuyu still stand there.

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