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It's been 2 Weeks since jennie had leave chaeyoung forever.

Chaeyoung pov

Chaeyoung now crying while holding jennie photo. She still not accept that jennie already leave her for forever. She miss her so much. It's really hurt more than she hurt when her mom leave her. Because jennie the one who heal her heart, she the one who enter and taking care her heart. I love her with full of my heart. I never doubt her love and my love for her. "Don't you love me jennie? Why you leave me so early!" She sobbing. "ARGHHHHHH! THIS LIFE IS SUCK!" she screaming. After tired from crying she put her head on her office table and tried to sleep but 'SEVEN DAYS' book is there and i take it. I staring at writer name 'MM' i open the book and read the new page where i stop.

When i went to that place. I heard that hurtful voice that really hurt my heart. I just listen to all her hurtful words one by one. I admit i cause so many pain to her. That night the way she crying and expressing her feelings is the most painful pain ever. I wanted to hug her and rub her back and tell her that everythings will be okay, but i can't did that cause the pain is come from me, i don't have strength to do that. From that night i keep telling myself that 'people who start crying while expressing their feelings are the most innocent creatures on earth, so never hurt that person' but i hurt her again and again. If one day she comeback to me i'm the one who gonna hug her, rub her back and tell her that everythings will be okay. I love you my innocent creatures.

Chaeyoung tears again drop not because of jennie but because of the words in this book. It's really related to me but why? 'Why this book? Why this book so same like that night?' I keep myself to the end of the book and i finish it after hour reading it. I want to close it but it's have a note like handwriting note. I flip to the last page and i see a handwriting kind of like a letter. When i saw jennie name there i crying again.

Dear chaeng chaeng♡

It's me your dumpling. Hehe sorry for leaving you baby, i love you but unfortunately god love me more than you love me, but i'm promise to myself i will always waiting for you here. Hope you will meet mina soon and your daughter too. I know you will meet the happiest version of you, And it will be worth it when you with mina. Please promise me that you will not forget me but if you really forget me, please tell me that mina the one who make you forget about me and i will forgive you. Don't be naughty baby, take your vitamin and drink more water. Never ever drink okay! Or i will be mad at you. Follow what i said here or i will never ever love you! Eat dumpling more okay. Sorry if you can't eat my cheeks anymore. Hehe. Chaeyoung you the one who open my heart for being love by the person like you and i feel loved from you is the most beautiful things that happen in my life. I know i never tell you this but thanks for coming into my life even not long last but still you're the best dream that happen in my sleep. I love you till the star baby cub. I love you and will always do.

Love jennie mandu♡

Ps: your mom ring in your drawer. Give it to mina. Love you.

Chaeyoung crying when she reading those beautiful letter from her beloved wife. I check my drawer and i saw that ring again. 'You the only one owned this ring baby, mina will owned her own by someone she love and will love her. I know i'm not the best for her but i'm glad i be the best i can for you. I can't promise you that i can get her back because without her notice that she have someone who is deserve her more than me.' "I love you jennie." She staring at the ring and she open her phone. There she is looks like she staring at me. I smile a little when i saw her again. "I love you mina." She mumble and she fall asleep.

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