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After they done eating they went to their separated room and sleep.


Everyone look at michaeng who walking at hall way and everyone begin to talking about mina who is pregnant.

"Look she don't deserve to carry son chaeyoung child."

"Yes who did she think she is. Ugly, poor and loser i think."

"Hoi son chaeyoung! You make her pregnant! Nice bro, ask her to abbort that! It's a shame to pregnant and being schooling!" That guy speak loudly.

Chaeyoung mad super mad now. She grab that boy collar and clinch her fist. "Hey watch your mouth man! Is you don't want to end die better zip it!" I punch the loker hard and went to mina. I make sure to glare at everyone and hold mina close to me. I send her to her class safely and hand her sour candy before i head to my class.


Dahyun and tzuyu went to her.

"Chaeng we heard you warning everyone again to not touch mina right?" Dahyun said.

Chaeyoung look at her and sigh. "They talking bad about her i can't accept it! It make me mad. I just want to protect her and make sure she feel safe around me. I don't want something happen to her especially she carrying my baby." I said madly.

Dahyun and tzuyu rub her back.

"We know cub, Please be aware and don't hurt yourself too." Tzuyu said worriedly.

Chaeyoung just smile and teacher come inside to teaching. Like always chaeyoung will focus in her class while tzuyu just sleeping and dahyun keep playing.

"miss son answer this can you?" Miss park ask her.

Chaeyoung stand up but she heard noisy coming outside and she quickly leave her class and see mina screaming and being drag to field with that those crazy girl eunha. Dahyun and tzuyu follow her.

"YAH! BITCH! LET HER GO NOW!" I take mina hand from her. "Go with tzuyu. Tzuyuyah take her to sana and momo." She looking madly at eunha.

"What did you think you are doing!."i drag her to office. "Expend her now! Or you might lose your job!" I leave her there with her freaking dad.

I went to find mina and totally my heart broke when i see she crying. I hug her and stroking her hair softly. "Stop crying mina. I'm sorry."

They leave mina and chaeyoung there alone to give they space and time.

Mina stop from crying.

Chaeypung wipe her leave tears with her thumb slowly. "Sorry, i should protect you, i'm sorry, it's my fault." I look down and avoiding her gaze.

"Look at me, why you have to say sorry? Not your fault." Mina sais softly.

Chaeyoung shake her head and still look down. "I can't even look into your eyes, i can't see you hurting because of me. I'm a coward for not able to protect you. Sorry i should.."

Mina lift her head and kiss her. "Stop talking, you always kiss me when you want to stop me from talking so stop saying that you not protect me. You being enough for me chaeng and i already feel safe when i'm around you. You make me feel comfort and loved." I utter softly while caressing her cheeks.

Chaeyoung shocked. "But still i'm sorry please forgive me mina and after this i promise i will be the one who will protect you and the baby okay." I care her tummy and smile.

Mina smile and hold her hand. "Next month will be the first check up will you come with me?" She said shyly.

Chaeyoung kiss her cheeks and nod. "I would love too mina, i will come and company you and baby." I hold her hand and make sure to send her to her class safely. "Make sure after this when you want to go out go with momo or sana unnie okay. I will feel safe when you go with them. I will go first, bye." I watch her go inside and i head to my class while blushing thinking about that kiss.

Dahyun and tzuyu feel weird about chaeng because miss kim call her about 2 times already.

Miss kim smack her head. "Miss son are you in my class or cloud nine?"

Chaeyoung bow her head. "Sorry miss kim."

Miss kim sigh. "Go and answer those question or standing all time." She utter madly.

Chaeyoung stood up and went to whiteboard and answer those question calmly. "Here miss kim, sorry for earlier." I bow and went to my sit back.

Miss kim smile. "Good job miss son and everyone be like miss son even she at cloud nine but still focus in my class."

Everyone laughing and chaeyoung and she just covering her face untill class finish.

"Yah chaeng, me and tzuyu want to go hangout later with momo and sana too,
You should join to with mina." Dahyun said.

Chaeyoung smile. "But let's ask mina first, i don't want she being tired." They walking to their wife class.

Mina talking happily to bambam. "But i need to ask chaeng first."

"Sokay mina, if can't we can see each other at school." I bid my goodbye and went home

Mina walk to chaeyoung after done with her stuff.

Chaeyoung a bit jelous. "Emm mina they planing to go out today and should we join?"

Mina smile. "I think i'm getting bored at home so why not we join right."

"Yeayyyy everyone in!" Sana said.

Chaeyoung just nod and smile only a little
"Okay then" she walk first to her car.

Mina follow her and feel weird because she seen sad again. I walk to her car and went inside, they decided to have a walk in mall.

"Chaeyoungah, can i ask something?" Mina break the silent.

Chaeyoung just humming and focus on road.

"Can i and bambam go out tomorrow, instead it's weekend but if you not allow we can cancel it."

Chaeyoung just nod even her heart hurt.

Mina happy. "Thanks chaeng."

Chaeyoung feel sad. 'Why she still want to go out with that bambam even he hurt her before.'  I tried to control my tears not to show that i'm weak.

Enjoy readers♥️♥️♥️ keep voting and i love you all🍉🍓♥️

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