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CONTINUATION (little bit chaesoo here😉)

It's been week since mina and chaeyoung seeing each other. After that argument they never seeing each other. And tonight THE BEST COMPANY AWARD SHOW (come up with that, don't be mad hehe) have arranged tonight. Bambam, chaeyoung, dahyun and tzuyu must be there for their company present.

Mina pov

Bambam come to mina at her house and play with seyoung. "Look baby, what is this." He showed seyoung some animal in some books and make her guess it.

Seyoung happy and clap her. "It's a tiger! Rawrrr!" She make a tiger signature.

Bambam mess her bang. "Good girl! This is my clever girl ever."he kiss her head.

Mina come to them and sit beside seyoung. She feel sad when she heard tiger. But she ignored her feelings and play with seyoung as well. "Seyoung-ah after this you must call uncle bambam appa okay." Mina glance at bambam who is smiling at her.

Seyoung confuse. "Appa? Wae mommy?"

Mina smile at her. "Because mommy and uncle bambam getting marry and soon he gonna be your appa okay. Can you do it for mommy? You like uncle bambam right?"

Seyoung shake her head. "No, i like uncle chaeyoung more."

"SEYOUNG! behave, she not even be with you all the times. Go to your room now!" She mad at her and sigh.

Seyoung crying and run to her room. Bambam hug mina shoulder.

"You don't have to force her if she don't want, she still don't understand, let's take things slowly okay." He said and smile.

Mina smile at him and nod. "Go home now, we gonna be late tonight. About seyoung don't worry, i will settle everythings." She said and walk him to the door.

Bambam bid his goodbye and kiss her cheek. And also peck her lip. "See you tonight my future wifey." He wink and drive away.

Mina not react at his kiss and just smile at him. She touch her lips and shake her head. She went to seyoung room. She knock on the door and go inside. I see she hiding under her blanket and crying. My heart feel hurt seeing her like this. I went to sit beside her and pat her back. "Baby, mommy sorry. Come out please."

Seyoung sobbing and come out. "I hate when mommy shout at me." She said and sobbing hard.

Mina hug her and comforting her. "Mommy sorry, i know i shouldn't shout at you like that, will you forgive me?" Mina wipe her tears and kiss her eyes.

Seyoung stop crying and burried herself more into mina hug. "I want daddy."

Mina feel guilty when she heard 'daddy' word. She really want seyoung to know chaeyoung but she still not ready for that. "I know it's hard, but when i get married you have appa, don't you like it?"

Seyoung shake her head again. "Just daddy."

Mina upset when seyoung refuse about this marriage. "Mommy promise you someday, i will bring daddy to you. But not now okay. Now let's forget about this and take a bath. Mommy will not home later, i have to go somewhere and your nanny will come later." She carry seyoung and bath her.

Chaeyoung pov

Chaeyoung sitting in her office and keep playing with her wedding ring when she with jennie. 'Should i take it off? Aishh you should idiot, she not belong to you anymore, but it's a memories i had with her, i love you jennie.' She ignored it and her phone vibrate.

Rosie posie🍉~
Are you ready for tonight? I know you gonna win lot of awards!😉

Chaeyoung giggle and send back her respond

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